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Nhiếp ảnh gia Khanh Nguyen Ivan


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Hồ Chí Minh, Việt Nam 

"Dear everyone, I’m Khanh Bao Nguyen Doan (Ivan Nguyen Khanh). I believe there is the real beauty comes from simplicity and being genuine. Moreover, the catching of every authentic moment creates the priceless photograph and the cherished story."

7 năm trên MyWed
Tôi có thể nói tiếng việt, anh
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/G03mJc0AYPitOJnF1LlccrRku7Xej5_wenFz7YF3WDKvXYNtSlhShuFKloLTbkCBdbkeaoumHBp2HrmA2BAnZsaITQZeoU1gsWDj Hồ Chí Minh, Việt Nam Khanh Nguyen Ivan +84 90 147 73 95
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