
攝影師 Verity Sansom



里兹, 英國 PRO

在MyWed 10 年
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/ar12jUEfcXA8MNCZDARzZVEClcrHoRUb7Ta7ex7YJ1mFioxh0S_dtcEsBlGbt0fH-fEURwLAouHPqKMvP1_xu0abY7QnRbes61PSXI0 里兹, 英國 Verity Sansom


  • 您上相嗎?

    In who's opinion? Haha

  • 您如何開始從事攝影行業?

    Chris and I met in our 3rd year of University and fell in love over our love of photography. We used to go on days out with our film cameras and wanted to make it our life. Chris asked me to join him in wedding photography and after our first wedding together we never looked back.

  • 您認為一張好照片裡最重要的元素有哪些?

    Good light, movement and emotion. Sometimes only one of these is necessary to make a good photograph but these are the 3 main things I look out for.

  • 您熱愛旅行嗎?

    Yes! As a family when I was younger we were lucky enough to do a lot of travelling. I loved the long drives up to Scotland and had my eyes glued to the window to watch the scenery go by. I love exploring new countries too, America has so much to offer and are excited to be heading back there next year. Wether it's only a 2 hour drive or a night on a plane it's the excitement of somewhere new and new locations to take photographs of!

  • 您最喜歡這個職業的哪個部分?

    Everything! After over 220 weddings Chris and I couldn't wish to be doing anything else. Having got married ourselves we know how important those photographs are, it's such an amazing pleasure to give couples memories that they can treasure for generations. There are so many aspects to wedding photography, you have to be good at low light situations, details, portraits, landscapes, couple shots, posing, and most of all, all on a tight time limit! Not any other job has all these aspects and I guess that's what I thrive on, trying to make sure I get the best possible outcome to all those situations at every single wedding and going to each one not knowing what to expect. It's also the amazing feedback we get from our couples, they are the reason we do what we do and when you get an amazing letter or e-mail it really does make your day. Being able to do all of that and work hard to achieve our dreams with my husband by my side 24/7 is just the icing on the cake!

  • 您最不喜歡這個職業的哪個部分?

    I think it's cliche to say there is nothing that I dislike about our job but it's pretty hard to think of anything! I guess it would be the fact that there is still so much rivalry between photographs which gets in the way of what truly matters. We all are privileged to do such an important and amazing job and I guess it would be great if everyone put their ego's to one side!

  • 攝影的前景如何?

    No idea really, probably having 10 photographers at once or something!

  • 您擅長的攝影類型有什麼特別之處?

    The unique way every photographer sees a moment differently.

  • 您如何應對批評?

    As best as I can, I always make sure that when ever it happens to do everything in my power to correct and understand the situation.

  • 攝影有什麼潮流?

    There will always be trends in wedding photography, and I have always made sure to stay away from them all! I've always believed that spending too long looking into other photographers work or wedding trends will confuse and change your own vision.

  • 客戶選擇攝影師的標準有哪些?

    That they fit in with their day, if they want a relaxed, chilled wedding then find a photographer that will shoot to suit their day and spend hours setting up shots.
    I think one of the most important things is that you get along, we are such a large part of the day, to us the relationship between us and the couple is the most important thing.

  • 拍攝時應該避免哪些事項?

    Overstepping the mark in the ceremony. Everyone's heard those stories of photographers knocking over the registrar or annoying the vicar and it's really not worth it. There are so many angles to look for that disrupting the ceremony for a shot is simply not acceptable!

  • 通常不會被注意,但攝影師卻能留意的細節有哪些呢?

    The things going on in the background, at the same time when I have my eye on the couple I always have my eye on what's going on around me!

  • 什麼事物會影響照片的價值?它包含了哪些因素?

    If you've managed to capture the atmosphere of the moment, with emotion and from a perspective that makes you feel imersed in the moment.

  • 您認為哪個人可以被視為21世紀的代表人物?


  • 您想拍誰?


  • 您有任何職業禁忌嗎?


  • 您想和誰一起拍攝?

    Erika and Lanny Mann would be awesome! I've always loved Jonas Peterson so I would have to say him too.

  • 您會擔心什麼?為什麼?

    I try hard not to worry as worrying doesn't change the outcome to anything!

  • 您人生中印象最深刻的一刻是什麼?

    Marrying Chris.

  • 如果您是個卡通、小說或電影角色,您想成為誰?為什麼?

    Pikachu, because it's cute and crazy! (this is what Chris said when I asked him!)

  • 誰能在生命中激發您的靈感?為什麼?

    My parents. My dad has always been a wildlife artist and my mum is an amazing writer. Since I was a child they've always worked so hard to make sure me and my sister had the best childhood. They believe so much in their work and don't compromise it for anything. They never give up and always follow their dreams. They are the most hard-working, loving people in the world.

  • 您如何定義成功?您會怎麼衡量它?

    Having a happy family, friends, pets and a home.

  • 您是希望被喜愛或是被景仰呢?


  • 您在工作上犯過最大的錯誤是什麼?

    Early on in the business I believed too many sales callers!

  • 當您要去旅行時,您會帶什麼?為什麼?

    Camera, not sure I need a reason for that!

  • 在您擁有的物品中,有任何您希望沒買過的嗎?為什麼?

    I'm not really a gadgety person!

  • 您如何學習拍出更好的照片呢?

    Every shoot I do I make sure I either mentally note down or write down what I could have improved on or things to rememeber for next time.

  • 身為攝影師,誰的作品對您影響最大?

    I'd have to say Chris (my husband). We've shot together for over 220 weddings and he is just the best photographer I know. We have such different ways of shooting and ways of seeing everything and that's why its so great to see his take on something!

  • 哪件事是您希望從開始拍照時就知道的?

    That it would be what I would end up doing forever! And that exposure is just opinion.

  • 您想用自己的照片說些什麼?

    I want to capture the wedding day and the people we shoot in the best light and also with atmosphere. It's not so much about saying anything it's just about making sure their story is being told through my photographs. I want whoever looks at those photographs after to get a true reflection of them as a couple and also of what it was like to be there.

  • 讓您持續拍照的動力是什麼?

    The couples we photograph! The amazing feedback we get and just the ambition to leave as many couples with awesome wedding photography as possible!

  • 您的雙親應該更加或是更不嚴厲呢?

    Neither! They always encouraged us to do what makes us happy, whatever it was, and to me that was the best advice they could have given.

  • 如果能回到過去,您會有什麼不同舉動呢?

    I'm not sure, I always believe that everything that you've done – mistake or not – has got you where you are today... so nothing!

  • 您對在其他星球上的生命有什麼看法呢?


  • 誰是您的英雄?

    My parents!

  • 您不重視誰?

    People that complain about something but don't do anything to change it.

  • 您空閒時會做些什麼?

    Go on walks, go to the gym and cuddle my cats!

  • 您的哪一面是公眾不曾看到過的?

    I'm usually quite shy I guess!

  • 您什麼時候會對自己的作品完全滿意?

    When I know I have put everything I have into a photography and it shows.

  • 您認可男女性的傳統角色嗎?


  • 您容易交到朋友嗎?

    I'd like to think so.

  • 您希望在哪裡生活?

    Somehwere in the Dales in Yorkshire, not too far from where we do now!

  • 您曾同意嘗試過最愚蠢的事是什麼?

    I agreed to be pulled along on a skateboard by a rope atached to a car... that was pretty stupid! No injuries though and the car was going quite slow.. but still. What is was like to be at Uni!

  • 結婚後還有人生嗎?

    Of course!

  • 您有最愛的笑話嗎?請告訴我們。

    A woman owns a Parrot that keeps on swearing so she takes it to the Vet to ask what to do about it. The Vet says to put the Parrot in the freezer for 5 minutes and that should stop the swearing. So the woman goes home and puts the Parrot in the freezer and after 5 minutes goes and takes it out, the Parrot is relieved to be out of the freezer and says "I'm so sorry I will never swear again... but what did the chicken do ? " -- I know its bad isn't it!!!!!!!

  • 您喜歡狗還是貓?

    Both! I love all animals, if we had a bigger house we would have a zoo!

  • 您討厭誰或什麼?

    I don't really like the word hate but I don't like TV Soaps!

  • 人生中最棒的事是:


  • 人生中最煩人的事是:

    Seeing other people not enjoying what they do.

  • 您的周圍有任何您想改變的事情嗎?


  • 您希望改變自己的哪一點?

    To be more confident.

  • 您希望改變世界的哪些方面?

    I think everyone would say the same, end all the suffering and war.

  • 您能為新進攝影師提供一些建議嗎?

    Never stop believing it's possible.

  • 如果外星人來到地球,而您是他們第一個遇見的人,您會跟他們說什麼?

    Hi! We are all weird...

  • 如果您被邀請去拍攝電影,那會是什麼類型的電影呢?


  • 明天我會去做...

    more photograph editing!