
攝影師 Namit Narlawar



孟買, 印度 

在MyWed 9 年
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/X6J_aI4fy0bivqLmAGiNQrtw6wIHGAWyf8zet_d6tcXAVB-YPtjNLI6Zq2k0E4AbgI0SyOv9R0aHuwIqt2EaJwvPZTIl8BL5BgXb 孟買, 印度 Namit Narlawar +91 77094 22655


  • 您上相嗎?

    I feel everyone on this earth is photogenic ;)

  • 您如何開始從事攝影行業?

    Although I am a computer engineer graduate, it was my passion that drove me towards photography to look at the beautiful world through the lens. To begin with, I was initially involved in fashion and children portfolio shoots and candid shoots too. I never had plans to become a wedding photographer; it just happened to me. When I realised that my real passion was photography I left my job and started working on my own. Today, I am happy to have chosen my passion as a career.

  • 您認為一張好照片裡最重要的元素有哪些?

    There is nothing called as good or bad photographer, it is just that everyone has their own style of working and it completely depends upon the people to decide what type of output they want.

  • 您熱愛旅行嗎?

    ye, I do and every year i travel many new places sometime for shoots and sometimes with friends

  • 您最喜歡這個職業的哪個部分?

    Travel & meet new people

  • 您最不喜歡這個職業的哪個部分?

    nothing such

  • 攝影的前景如何?

    it's very big and this is just a begining

  • 您擅長的攝影類型有什麼特別之處?

    We capture emotion's for life time and down to line after 10-15 year's if you see those images sure you will realise how special those moments were :)

  • 您如何應對批評?

    Never panic :)

  • 客戶選擇攝影師的標準有哪些?

    Weddings are an once-in-a-lifetime moment, so before you book a photographer check his work, credentials and reviews online that will help you to get the perfect photographer for your wedding.