
攝影師 Fiona Walsh



雅息特, 英國 

在MyWed 8 年
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/UkKY4cA6Wth0BRl5jG64NdKF_NCTOswFHBZ-pctdlYV03cAWSAdhuimA9zNU7PgbhnrB_USJf03_bL90C8DOn4A0R89R71gytiZp 雅息特, 英國 Fiona Walsh +44 7790 838589


  • 您如何開始從事攝影行業?

    I'd just finished my degree in Psychology and was looking for a job. It was just my fate that jobs were hard to come by as it made me look at doing something I was already enjoying as a hobby – photography. I started to explore the business side of getting it up and running, and was so grateful at my first yes to a request to shadow another photographer. I was hooked from my first wedding.

  • 您認為一張好照片裡最重要的元素有哪些?

    Composition, expression, and light I would say. I love creating compositions and lighting effects in the frame and doing something different. But technicalities aside, the moment/the meaning is a pretty important component that makes up a good photo.

  • 您熱愛旅行嗎?

    I adore traveling. It shows me what else is going on in the world, I get to see moments between people, I get to see beautiful landscapes. traveling brings opportunity.

  • 您最喜歡這個職業的哪個部分?

    Stepping into a couples lives for just one day and being able to capture their connection. Hearing their joy when they see the images, showing them just how amazing they are.
    I get so excited with couples in landscapes, especially sunsets. It feels as though the colours around them are putting on a show, a reflection of their emotions.

  • 您最不喜歡這個職業的哪個部分?

    All the days in the office doing post production work takes me away from people, so it can be a little isolating at times.

  • 攝影的前景如何?

    There's an interesting question, i was pondering this the other day. Who knows! Guests will probably have phone cameras with capabilities of my DSLR! But, there will always be a need for a wedding photographer. We see beyond what our eyes show us and give them something special; their story.

  • 您擅長的攝影類型有什麼特別之處?

    Turning their emotions into a physical image they can look at, helping them feel closer to their most personal and meaningful feelings.

  • 您如何應對批評?

    With patience. I put myself in their shoes to understand where their coming from.

  • 攝影有什麼潮流?

    Sure. There are trends that come and go all the time. Trends in editing, trends in light effects, trends for capturing moments, capturing the natural behaviours of people around us, and maybe putting a different spin on how that's captured.

  • 客戶選擇攝影師的標準有哪些?

    Rapport. The photographer will be so close to them all day long, so they must feel comfortable and trust in the photographer.
    I think they should look for someone with experience, with imagination, with patience, with passion for their wedding, and good editing skills! though i guess that last one is subjective!

  • 拍攝時應該避免哪些事項?

    sometimes the officiant will prefer us not to photograph them when they are signing the register.
    There isn't anything more that is specifically not allowed, it's just a matter of being delicate and knowing when and when not to shoot something.

  • 通常不會被注意,但攝影師卻能留意的細節有哪些呢?

    Technically, the way the light can fall on a person and enhance that moment. Same goes for the environment, such as reflections or a background that would complimentary.
    Emotionally, we are part of their relationship in a closer way than a guest would. For some part of the day it is just us 3, so photographers get to witness a raw beauty in the way they love each other.

  • 什麼事物會影響照片的價值?它包含了哪些因素?

    Someone experiencing a moment that makes them feel so loved and so worthy.
    Technically I love to use shallow depth of fields to make the image soft. I think this can add to the emotional value of a photo.
    Beautiful landscapes, and architecture/patterns can influence the value too. So much can though!

  • 您有任何職業禁忌嗎?


  • 您想和誰一起拍攝?

    It would be fab to shoot with Two Mann Studios, and Ross Harvey!

  • 您會擔心什麼?為什麼?

    Nothing really.

  • 您人生中印象最深刻的一刻是什麼?

    Walking on hot goal (or is that the craziest?!)
    Meeting and photographing Bill Clinton was pretty fun.Getting married felt pretty impressive, couldn't have felt any happier or want to be anywhere else.

  • 誰能在生命中激發您的靈感?為什麼?

    All the photographers being fearless to be creative and bring us and the couple a new way of seeing things.Tony Robbins is pretty awesome. Sly Stallone's story of his determination and belief that he will be an actor in the movies is an inspiring one.

  • 您如何定義成功?您會怎麼衡量它?

    hmmm, well I think a person is successful is they're happy.With weddings, I'd say a wedding is a success if the couple love their images.

  • 您是希望被喜愛或是被景仰呢?

    Respected I guess. Feeling a sense of respect can affect your self esteem differently to feeling liked.

  • 您在工作上犯過最大的錯誤是什麼?

    Thankfully, and touch wood, there aren't any big ones. I just always aim to learn from each wedding. e,g., there are little ones like making sure batteries are new and such, cards are close by in reach, surveying the area to know where to stand during the ceremony etc. Once I was photographing a ceremony outdoors in gravel. Every step I took was loud and crunchy!

  • 當您要去旅行時,您會帶什麼?為什麼?

    The camera is going to be a must, of course.Then:
    Music! Because it enhances experiences. I even have an underwater mp3 player.

  • 在您擁有的物品中,有任何您希望沒買過的嗎?為什麼?


  • 您如何學習拍出更好的照片呢?

    Stay in touch with photographers, go on courses. Always look at what the light source is. Look for patterns and shadows.
    Take my photos, finish, but then ask myself how else can I take this photo, how would someone else take this photo?

  • 身為攝影師,誰的作品對您影響最大?

    Two Mann and Ross Harvey.

  • 哪件事是您希望從開始拍照時就知道的?

    the environment can be used to your advantage, no matter what it is.Have down right pure belief in yourself.

  • 您想用自己的照片說些什麼?

    Look how beautiful life is. Soak in it.

  • 讓您持續拍照的動力是什麼?

    To show people what life is like is you look out for it! It's beautiful, it's colourful, it's meaningful, it's fun.
    Giving people life long memories in my images.

  • 您的雙親應該更加或是更不嚴厲呢?


  • 如果能回到過去,您會有什麼不同舉動呢?

    I wouldn't like to think about that. I don't believe in regret. You do what you do in that moment with the resources you have.
    I believe in learning from each experience, moving forward and living in the now.

  • 您對在其他星球上的生命有什麼看法呢?

    lol these are funny questions. Sure, I think there is life on other planets.

  • 誰是您的英雄?

    No heroes so to speak. lots of people who mean a lot to me, others that have inspired me.

  • 您不重視誰?

    Those who are mentally and physically cruel to people and animals.

  • 您空閒時會做些什麼?

    Exploring landscapes with my camera, and watch movies.

  • 您的哪一面是公眾不曾看到過的?

    If you knew that there wouldn't be a side anymore :)

  • 您什麼時候會對自己的作品完全滿意?

    When all the elements come together in a photo to make it so satisfying. When creative ideas pan out. There's never a complete moment though or in that case I wouldn't be looking to better my work. I always want to grow.

  • 您認可男女性的傳統角色嗎?

    Not really.

  • 您容易交到朋友嗎?

    Yep, I'm so happy to have made friends at weddings whom I've never met before. I love the stories I learn about peoples lives after a wedding.

  • 您希望在哪裡生活?

    italy or australia.

  • 您曾同意嘗試過最愚蠢的事是什麼?

    there isn't one i can think of!

  • 結婚後還有人生嗎?

    Of course!

  • 您有最愛的笑話嗎?請告訴我們。

    'Green men make me cross' (Darren Walsh)

  • 您喜歡狗還是貓?

    Totally love both.

  • 您討厭誰或什麼?

    the cold.

  • 人生中最棒的事是:


  • 人生中最煩人的事是:

    Aging and illness.

  • 您的周圍有任何您想改變的事情嗎?

    Peace of mind comes when you just accept things the way they are that you cannot change.

  • 您希望改變自己的哪一點?

    nothing really!

  • 您希望改變世界的哪些方面?

    More cures in illness.
    More help for aged, and more unwanted and poorly animals.

  • 您能為新進攝影師提供一些建議嗎?

    believe in yourself.
    Do it because it makes you happy.

  • 如果外星人來到地球,而您是他們第一個遇見的人,您會跟他們說什麼?

    lol oh my these questions! I'd see if they want to try some delicious snacks!

  • 如果您被邀請去拍攝電影,那會是什麼類型的電影呢?


  • 明天我會去做...

    swim underwater with my mp3 player! and then prep for a lovely wedding!