Bröllopsfotograf Therese Debono (theresedebono). Foto av 29 augusti 2017
Bröllopsfotograf Therese Debono (theresedebono). Foto av 29 augusti 2017
Bröllopsfotograf Therese Debono (theresedebono). Foto av 29 augusti 2017
Bröllopsfotograf Therese Debono (theresedebono). Foto av 29 augusti 2017
Bröllopsfotograf Therese Debono (theresedebono). Foto av 29 augusti 2017
Bröllopsfotograf Therese Debono (theresedebono). Foto av 29 augusti 2017
Bröllopsfotograf Therese Debono (theresedebono). Foto av 29 augusti 2017
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Donna & Andrew

I met Donna and Andrew about a year before their wedding, since they live away from the island. The moment I arrived at the groom, I knew I was in for a fantastic wedding! Andrew was fun and cracking jokes with his brother, Donna was looking splendid. I actually shed a tear during their vows in the lovely setting of Villa Bologna....have a look for yourselves

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