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Fotograf Edwin Sanchez


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San Pedro Sula, Honduras 

På MyWed i 4 år
Jag talar engelska, spanska San Pedro Sula, Honduras Edwin Sanchez +504 9991-9927


  • Först och främst - vem kan du nämna som den bästa fotografen i San Pedro Sula, Honduras? :)

    I consider myself amongst the best wedding photographers in San Pedro Sula

  • Är du fotogenisk?

    I try to be. hahaha

  • Hur började du inom fotografi?

    I was freelance graphic designer and always had an interest in photography. My work led me to eventually pick up a DSLR and it totally changed my life. I studied at NYIP and learned many basic skills in all types of photography. Shooting my first wedding for a close friend I realized that in wedding photography you have to use all of those skills (product photography, photojournalism, portraiture, posing, directing, fashion photography). I have been hooked since then.

  • Vilka är enligt dig de viktigaste komponenterna för ett bra fotografi?

    Lighting and composition are, in my opinion, the two most important factors in all photography. They are not the only ones, however, there is also posing, timing, anticipating, and creating a real connection with the couple will also translate into great images.

  • Älskar du att resa?

    I love traveling! From getting there, be it by sea, land or air, to actually getting to know new places, cities, cultures, people. My family and I enjoy traveling and it's one of our top common passions.

  • Vad gillar du mest med ditt yrke?

    Being creative! Creating amazing images for my couples and seeing their reactions when we deliver them. It's an absolute joy to be able to light, compose, direct and capture and image that brings joy to my couples and myself.

  • Vad gillar du minst med ditt yrke?

    It's hard for me point it out. Maybe alway wanting new photography gear. hehe

  • Hur kommer framtiden för fotografering att se ut?

    Couples will start to be more conscious about The Experience that they'll enjoy with the photographer they choose for their wedding. Final images will still be most important but the bond that forms between them and their photographer will certainly take a prominent role.

  • Vad är det speciella med den fotografigenre du specialiserar i?

    The connection that builds between the photographer and the couple and their family. If that connection is there the images will definitely show it.

  • Hur hanterar du kritik?

    I believe everyone is allowed their own opinion

  • Finns det några trender inom fotografering?

    Sure there are, at the time of writing this Dark and Moody edits and elopements are all the rage . Couples have to be careful to choose something that they really love and that they will enjoy 5, 10, 20 years from now and not just something that is trendy at this moment.

  • Vad bör kriterierna vara för en kund som ska välja en fotograf?

    First they have to love the work their photographer makes. And second they have to feel that connection, that "click". The better the relationship with their photographer the better their images will turn out.

  • Vad är absolut inte tillåtet under fotograferingen?

    Missing the moment! A photographer must be ready and alert to capture the most important moments in a wedding cause they will not happen again.

  • Vilka detaljer kan en fotograf fånga som vanligtvis går obemärkta?

    The beauty that hides in the details.

  • Vad påverkar fotots värde? Vilka är dess element?

    Lighting, composition, posing, edit, etc.. are all technical terms. But it is how you use them together to create an image that brings back feelings, emotions that truly holds a photo's value.

  • Vilken person tycker du symboliserar 2000-talet?

    Barack Obama. Not for being a great president but by being a great example and role model of what Human should be. Passionate, Compassionate, Driven and given to his fellow man.

  • Vem vill du fotografera?

    Couples full of life that love to travel and loves their family.

  • Har du några professionella tabun?

    I don't think so.

  • Vem skulle du vilja fotografera med?

    Jerry Ghionis, Lindsay Adler, Michael Anthony, Joe McNally.

  • Vad oroar du dig över och varför?

    I worry about the planet. As a species we are definitely not taking such good care of Mother Earth.

  • Vilket är det mest imponerande ögonblicket i ditt liv?

    The day of my wedding to my beautiful wife. I don't consider myself as special in the "VIP" kinda sense. But getting married in the Vatican by a Cardinal definitely made me feel like a child of God.

  • Om du vore en animerad, litterär eller filmkaraktär, vem skulle du vara och varför?

    I think I consider myself a Chandler from FRIENDS. Kind of a goofball but very creative, good at my job and deeply in love with my family and friends.

  • Vem är din inspirationskälla i livet och varför?

    My mom and my wife inspire me. My mom because she fought hard to raise 4 children on her own and give them the best education that she could. And my wife because she has motivated me to become better in all aspects of my life.

  • Hur definierar du framgång? Hur mäter du framgång?

    Success for me is being able to get out of bed with a smile every morning and getting to work with awesome people that share your passion for client that you love.

  • Föredrar du att vara omtyckt eller respekterad?

    Respect is a form of liking isn't it?

  • Vilket är det största misstaget som du har gjort på jobbet?

    Not going to WPPI sooner

  • Vad tar du med dig och varför när du är ute och reser?

    Camera! Because, life and memories! :D

  • Äger du en gadget som du önskar att du inte hade köpt? Varför?

    Sony cameras. I sold them already. They suck the joy out of photography.

  • Hur utbildar du dig själv för att bli en bättre fotograf?

    I get inspired by other photographers.

  • Vems arbete har haft störst inflytande över dig som fotograf?

    Scot Robert Lim. Beautiful and consistent images

  • Finns det någonting specifikt som du önskar att du visste när du började fotografera?

    Light and composition matter more than gear.

  • Vad försöker du säga med dina fotografier?

    I want to express emotion. I want people to look at them and feel what that moment was about.

  • Vad motiverar dig att fortsätta att ta bilder?

    Making creative images. Each wedding I push myself to make something I haven't made before

  • Borde dina föräldrar ha varit mer eller mindre strikta?

    I think my mom was just about right.

  • Om du kunde resa tillbaka i tiden, vad skulle du göra annorlunda?

    I would get into photography sooner

  • Tror du att det finns liv på andra planeter?

    I want to go to there.

  • Vilka är dina hjältar?

    My mom. Scot Robert Lim, Joe McNally

  • Finns det någon person som du inte har någon respekt för?

    People that look down on others

  • Vad gör du på fritiden?

    Read photography blogs, some video games, some YouTube.

  • Har du någon sida som du aldrig visar upp offentligt?

    Me vegging out on Sundays after the wedding

  • När är du fullständigt tillfredsställd med ditt arbete?

    When I am just walking around minding my own business when a past couple comes running towards me from afar just to give me a hug, say hi and catch up for a while.

  • Tror du på de traditionella mans- och kvinnorollerna?


  • Är det enkelt för dig att skaffa vänner?

    I try to :)

  • Var skulle du vilja bo?

    Difficult. Seattle or London would be great.

  • Vad är det dummaste som du någonsin har tackat ja till?

    Shoot for free for "exposure"

  • Finns det ett liv efter äktenskapet?

    Marriage is life

  • Gillar du hundar eller katter?


  • Vem eller vad hatar du?

    People that take advantage of other people.

  • Det bästa med livet är:

    Enjoying it with those you love.

  • Det mest irriterande med livet är:

    Stubbing your toes and the hiccups

  • Finns det någonting runt omkring dig som du skulle vilja ändra på?

    Climate change

  • Finns det någonting om dig själv som du skulle vilja ändra?

    I would like to be more decisive. It takes me a while to make up my mind in some things.

  • Vad vill du ändra på i världen?

    Free quality education for all

  • Kan du ge några råd till nya fotografer?

    Invest in education and go to WPPI

  • Om utomjordingar skulle komma till jorden, och du är den första personen som de träffar, vad skulle du säga till dem?

    Can I take a selfie?

  • Om du skulle bli tillfrågad att spela in en film, vilken genre skulle det vara?

    Action or Superhero

  • Imorgon kommer jag att...

    ...weddings all around the world with my wife, son and the rest of my team.