Naposledy aktívny dlhú dobu dozadu

Fotograf Loke Roos


Naposledy aktívny dlhú dobu dozadu

Malmö, Švédsko 

9 rokov na MyWed
Rozprávam jazykmi: angličtina, švédčina, nemčina, nórčina, dánčina Malmö, Švédsko Loke Roos +46 70 276 76 78


  • Po prvé a predovšetkým - koho môžete vymenovať ako najlepšieho fotografa vo vašom meste? :)

    There are a lot of great photographers in Malmö. Many with different style than me.

  • Ste fotogenický?

    Nope. Funny? Yes :-)

  • Ako ste sa dostali do fotografického priemyslu?

    By accident actually. My sister asked if I could take some portraits at her wedding and I ended up running around the whole day. Haven´t stopped shooting wedding since.

  • Aké sú podľa vás najdôležitejšie súčasti dobrej fotografie?

    Emotion, composition and story.

  • Máte radi cestovanie?

    Not really. Bad for the environment usually and I always miss my family way too much.

  • Čo máte najradšej na vašej profesii?

    Normally the knowledge that my clients are happy and will enjoy their images for the rest of their life.

  • Čo sa vám páči najmenej na vašej profesii?

    Every artist doubt their work, me included. I usually hate everything I do until it is finished and ready to be send to the client.

  • Aká bude budúcnosť fotenia?

    I hope it will still be some sort of documentation but I fear that it will get more and more done but friends with a nice camera rather than by professionals.

  • Čo je výnimočné na žánri fotografií, na ktorý sa špecializujete?

    It´s all genres combined if you think about it.

  • Ako zvládate kritiku?

    If I feel there is a point then very well.

  • Sú nejaké trendy v oblasti fotografie?

    Yeah sure. A lot of trends in editing and so on. I try to steer away from them as I think they put a time stamp on your work and I want my images to be timeless.

  • Aké by mal mať zákazník kritérium pri výbere fotografa?

    I guess first impression is always the images but then try to find someone who you feel would add value to your wedding day!