Naposledy aktívny dlhú dobu dozadu

Fotograf Bryan Hudson


Naposledy aktívny dlhú dobu dozadu

Los Angeles, Spojené štáty 

3 roky na MyWed
Rozprávam jazykmi: angličtina Los Angeles, Spojené štáty Bryan Hudson +1 818-714-5140


  • Po prvé a predovšetkým - koho môžete vymenovať ako najlepšieho fotografa vo vašom meste? :)

    Super tough to answer since there's so many who have such immense strengths. LA is a melting pot of talent.

  • Ste fotogenický?

    Not too much. Most pictures of myself are me doing something stupid.

  • Aké sú podľa vás najdôležitejšie súčasti dobrej fotografie?

    Do you want to keep looking at it? Have you ever felt that way or do you want to feel that way? If you can relate to the emotion or the story then your imagination takes over. For me I have a mild OCD so I like sneaky symmetry, that's an important one for me....sneaky symmetry.

  • Máte radi cestovanie?

    I'm split on this. The world is a beautiful place. If gigs take me places that's awesome, if they don't then I'll be somewhere else on this beautiful planet.

  • Čo máte najradšej na vašej profesii?

    Partying with people on the best day of their life.

  • Čo sa vám páči najmenej na vašej profesii?

    The way my feet feel after a 16hr wedding.

  • Aká bude budúcnosť fotenia?

    Same as now but with different gear. The real question should be what will be the future of photographers mind states.

  • Čo je výnimočné na žánri fotografií, na ktorý sa špecializujete?

    Weddings, engagements and every once in a while I do some street photography to sharpen myself up.

  • Ako zvládate kritiku?

    When it's helpful, with open arms.

  • Sú nejaké trendy v oblasti fotografie?

    Too many. Shoot for yourself and you can avoid these.

  • Aké by mal mať zákazník kritérium pri výbere fotografa?

    Do you feel like you've known them for a while after just meeting them?

  • Čomu sa určite vyhnúť pri práci?

    Low batteries and low energy.

  • Aké detaily, ktoré zvyčajne prejdú bez povšimnutia, si môže fotograf všimnúť?

    Children running under chairs. The look of their friends face while she's getting her dress on. Parents look during vows....there's a million and one stories to be told at a wedding no one see's.

  • Čo ovplyvňuje hodnotu fotografie? Aké sú jej prvky?

    The values of the person looking at it.

  • Ktorá osoba môže byť podľa vás symbolom 21. storočia?


  • Koho chcete fotografovať?

    My kids. James Brown, Sterolab.

  • Máte nejaké profesionálne tabu?

    Haha yes. I always have one of my kids hot wheels in my pocket during a wedding to remind me of them. It's my good luck charm.

  • S kým by ste chceli fotografovať?

    Sam Hurd, Kevin Mullins, Jonas Rask and my buddy Matei Horvath

  • Čoho sa obávate a prečo?

    Try not to worry, you'll live longer.

  • Aký bol váš najpôsobivejší okamih v živote?

    Child birth

  • Ak by ste boli animovaná, literárna alebo filmová postava, kto by ste boli a prečo?

    Cartoon – Spike from Cowboy BeBop. He's badass, creative and doesn't worry. Book – Art of War – Movie – Eddie Morra from Limitless

  • Kto vás vo vašom živote inšpiruje a prečo?

    All day my kids. No explanation, they just do.

  • Ako definujete úspech? Ako ho meriate?

    By the smile in your brain when you sleep.

  • Ak by ste sa mohli vrátiť v čase, čo by ste urobili inak?

    Not take that sports almanac.

  • Čo tak život na druhých planétach?

    Yes and anyone who disagrees clearly hasn't done DMT. I half joke but yeah of course there is.

  • Kto nemá u vás žiadny rešpekt?

    Daleks and ignorance.

  • Čo robíte vo svojom voľnom čase?

    Raise my kids, work on the house, write music, sketch....idle hands are the devils best friend.

  • Akú vašu tvár nikdy neukazujte na verejnosti?

    Me sleeping.

  • Veríte v tradičné role mužov a žien?


  • Získavate ľahko nových priateľov?

    Yeah sure. I mean humans are cool but we're sneaky as shit. So friends on the surface yeah, the good friend stuff comes when the sneaky meter stays low.

  • Kde by ste radi žili?

    Wherever my family is having the most fun. Currently I am living in a couch fort made 3 nights ago.

  • Čo je tá najhlúpejšia vec, na ktorú ste kedy pristúpili?

    8th of shrooms in the LA Forest during winter.

  • Máte radi psy alebo mačky?

    Cats 100%

  • Čo by ste chceli zmeniť vo svete?


  • Môžete dať niekoľko tipov pre fotografov, ktorí práve začínajú?

    Burn through cameras, never stop just burn through them. Big adjustments and small adjustments, you'll get it.

  • Ak by ste mali natočiť film, aký žáner by to bol?

    Dune genre whatever that is...a space opera adventure.