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Фотограф Phardon Media


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Рига, Латвия 

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  • Самый волнующий нас вопрос – кто лучший фотограф в вашем городе? :)

    Should I say, no! Here is my interview :)

  • Вы фотогеничны?

    Honestly, no! Still I need good photographer.

  • Как вы попали в индустрию фотографии?

    As usual answer is friends ask to take their wedding photos. My answer will be same :) Lots of friend ask to take their wedding photos then I decided to do. I am not bad ha?

  • Как вы считаете, какие самые важные составляющие хорошей фотографии?

    Photographer is the key, nooo! Light is the key for me. Then we can talk about photographer, educated view and others.

  • Любите путешествовать?

    Who don't like? I like. Previously I was think about how can I travel then I found photography.

  • Что в вашей профессии вам нравится больше всего?

    Meeting with new people is the most funny side of photography.

  • Что в вашей профессии вам нравится меньше всего?

    The hardest side is standing many hour. When I am looking photos, I forgot everything.

  • Каким вы видите будущее фотографии?

    Couples know everything than before. Now they make pressure on us, but I love it.

  • Что делает жанр фотографии, в котором вы снимаете, особенным?

    No chance to retake photos... Nooo. Couples and relatives are in different psychology and feeling and watching these moments always helps to remember my wedding ceremony. I was there.

  • Как вы относитесь к критике?

    I am angry, sure not! I try to happy people. My portfolio gives an idea to people then they choose me. And also I always try to take many options during photo session. If they don't like after photo session, then I can provide another options. This is really helps to couples and me.

  • Есть ли в фотографии своя мода?

    Wedding photography is always in new trends like other photography fields. Colors, lights and scenes are changing and very dynamic.

  • По каким критериям клиенты должны выбирать своего фотографа?

    They should consider portfolio of photographer. If they like portfolio of photographer then they can try to meet. I always try to meet before accept photo session. Meeting has a good solution.

  • Чего нельзя допускать при съемке?

    Hmmm, I do not want to extent agreement. Timing and agreement must be same from beginning to end.

  • Что обычные люди упускают из виду, в то время как фотограф может увидеть?

    Wedding is a story and wedding photographer try to tell story.

  • Кого бы вы назвали символом XXI века?

    What do you think about Andy Warhol! It could be a cliche answer but these days I try to make famous people for a second in my works.