Naposledy online před dlouhou dobou

Fotograf Phardon Media


Naposledy online před dlouhou dobou

Riga, Lotyšsko 

5 lety na MyWed
Hovořím těmito jazyky: angličtina, turečtina, lotyština Riga, Lotyšsko Phardon Media +371 28 372 541


  • Za prvé a především – koho můžete jmenovat jako nejlepšího fotografa ve vašem městě? :)

    Should I say, no! Here is my interview :)

  • Jste fotogeničtí?

    Honestly, no! Still I need good photographer.

  • Jak jste se dostali do fotografického průmyslu?

    As usual answer is friends ask to take their wedding photos. My answer will be same :) Lots of friend ask to take their wedding photos then I decided to do. I am not bad ha?

  • Jaké jsou podle vás nedůležitější součásti dobré fotografie?

    Photographer is the key, nooo! Light is the key for me. Then we can talk about photographer, educated view and others.

  • Cestujete rádi?

    Who don't like? I like. Previously I was think about how can I travel then I found photography.

  • Co máte nejredši na vaší profesi?

    Meeting with new people is the most funny side of photography.

  • Co se vám líbí nejméně na vaší profesi?

    The hardest side is standing many hour. When I am looking photos, I forgot everything.

  • Jaká je budoucnost focení?

    Couples know everything than before. Now they make pressure on us, but I love it.

  • Co je výjimečného na žánru fotografií, na který se specializujete?

    No chance to retake photos... Nooo. Couples and relatives are in different psychology and feeling and watching these moments always helps to remember my wedding ceremony. I was there.

  • Jak zvládáte kritiku?

    I am angry, sure not! I try to happy people. My portfolio gives an idea to people then they choose me. And also I always try to take many options during photo session. If they don't like after photo session, then I can provide another options. This is really helps to couples and me.

  • Jsou nějaké trendy v oblasti focení?

    Wedding photography is always in new trends like other photography fields. Colors, lights and scenes are changing and very dynamic.

  • Jaké by měl mít zákazník kritérium při výběru fotografa?

    They should consider portfolio of photographer. If they like portfolio of photographer then they can try to meet. I always try to meet before accept photo session. Meeting has a good solution.

  • Co není dovoleno při focení?

    Hmmm, I do not want to extent agreement. Timing and agreement must be same from beginning to end.

  • Jakých detailů, které obvykle projdou bez povšimnutí, si může fotograf všimnout?

    Wedding is a story and wedding photographer try to tell story.

  • Kdo může být podle vás symbolem 21. století?

    What do you think about Andy Warhol! It could be a cliche answer but these days I try to make famous people for a second in my works.