Ultima dată online cu mult timp în urmă

Fotograf Jeff ONeal


Ultima dată online cu mult timp în urmă

Jakarta, Indonezia PRO

De 10 ani pe MyWed
Pot să vorbesc engleză
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/zS9vYerBX4roJPOwmOg_Q0r0ewPrbDyzm9z_digNueLwFuufgWm1cA93x2hSoicDODUNcG7lW7cWsNbHDHiMqdNI0nTHnO_YaKxz Jakarta, Indonezia Jeff ONeal +62 857-1801-8085


  • Cum ați ajuns în industria fotografiei?

    I was struggling finding the "industry" of photography that I wanted to focus on. Started shooting a lot of stuff from fashion, commercial, etc.First time I've ever shot a wedding was my friend's wedding and got into wedding photography after that moment on.

  • Care sunt cele mai importante componente ale unei fotografii bune, după părerea dvs?

    Composition – Lighting – and of course Moments!

  • Vă place să călătoriți?

    I love traveling 1000%

  • Ce vă place cel mai mult la profesia dvs?

    A wedding is always a happy moments for a lot of people, and I get to be part of those moments in every job. Makes me a stay young!

  • Ce vă place cel mai puțin la profesia dvs?


  • Cum răspundeți criticilor?

    I love criticism, it makes me a better photographer.

  • Care ar trebui să fie criteriile după care un client să aleagă un fotograf?

    Its a very big decision to make.
    I would say that they have to pick their dream photographer that is fit their budget or if its way out of their budget, they should try harder to make the budget fitPhotographer is top 3 vendors in a wedding that a couple have to make priority offIts once a lifetime memories, would you really pick someone randomly for it? I won't for sure.

  • Ce vă îngrijorează și de ce?

    Wedding organizer or families of the bride and groom who stop all the moments that going on in a wedding.Living in Indonesia, there are a lot of "setup" moments by those people, and I hate it. They set it up to look all good and everything, which is not necessary at all.
    A wedding should go and looks as is in my honest opinion.

  • Cine vă inspiră în viață și de ce?

    My father.
    He inspires me in many things. Can not describe it in words

  • Cum definiți succesul? Cum îl măsurați?

    Many people define it in how much money that he/she makes in a year or how many bookings that they made in a year.For me, success is when a lot of people appreciate my works.
    They choose me as their photographer because they can't think of someone else to take their wedding photos. It has to be me

  • V-ar plăcea să fiți mai degrabă plăcut sau respectat?

    Respected for sure

  • Când plecați în călătorie, ce luați cu dvs. și de ce?

    My IDs are the most the important ones LOL

  • Cum vă pregătiți pentru a face fotografii mai bune?

    Ask for criticsm from someone that I think is capable of
    Looking at other people's works and see what they do right and wrong.
    Not copycating their work for sure.

  • Cine sunt eroii dvs?


  • Ce faceți în timpul liber?

    I love to collect stuff (Sneakers, Toys, and starbucks mugs)

  • Vă faceți prieteni ușor?

    I would say yes i do

  • Vă plac câinii sau pisicile?


  • Pe cine sau ce urâți?

    Not being on time

  • Cel mai neplăcut lucru în viață este:

    Lazy people

  • Ce v-ar plăcea să schimbați la dvs?

    My shopping habit, yes I shop a lot!

  • Ne puteți da câteva sugestii pentru fotografii începători?

    Be yourself
    Brand yourself to the world