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Fotograf Jeff ONeal


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Jakarta, Indonesien PRO

10 år på MyWed
Jeg taler engelsk Jakarta, Indonesien Jeff ONeal +62 857-1801-8085


  • Hvordan blev du en del af fotografiindustrien?

    I was struggling finding the "industry" of photography that I wanted to focus on. Started shooting a lot of stuff from fashion, commercial, etc.First time I've ever shot a wedding was my friend's wedding and got into wedding photography after that moment on.

  • Hvad er de vigtigste komponenter i et godt billede efter din mening?

    Composition – Lighting – and of course Moments!

  • Elsker du at rejse?

    I love traveling 1000%

  • Hvad kan du bedst lide ved dit fag?

    A wedding is always a happy moments for a lot of people, and I get to be part of those moments in every job. Makes me a stay young!

  • Hvad synes du mindre godt om ved dit fag?


  • Hvordan håndterer du kritik?

    I love criticism, it makes me a better photographer.

  • Hvad bør kriterierne være for en kunde, der skal vælge en fotograf?

    Its a very big decision to make.
    I would say that they have to pick their dream photographer that is fit their budget or if its way out of their budget, they should try harder to make the budget fitPhotographer is top 3 vendors in a wedding that a couple have to make priority offIts once a lifetime memories, would you really pick someone randomly for it? I won't for sure.

  • Hvad bekymrer du dig om, og hvorfor?

    Wedding organizer or families of the bride and groom who stop all the moments that going on in a wedding.Living in Indonesia, there are a lot of "setup" moments by those people, and I hate it. They set it up to look all good and everything, which is not necessary at all.
    A wedding should go and looks as is in my honest opinion.

  • Hvem inspirerer dig i dit liv, og hvorfor?

    My father.
    He inspires me in many things. Can not describe it in words

  • Hvordan definerer du succes? Hvordan måler du det?

    Many people define it in how much money that he/she makes in a year or how many bookings that they made in a year.For me, success is when a lot of people appreciate my works.
    They choose me as their photographer because they can't think of someone else to take their wedding photos. It has to be me

  • Foretrækker du, at folk kan lide dig, eller at de respekterer dig?

    Respected for sure

  • Når du skal rejse, hvad tager du så med dig, og hvorfor?

    My IDs are the most the important ones LOL

  • Hvordan uddanner du dig selv til at tage bedre billeder?

    Ask for criticsm from someone that I think is capable of
    Looking at other people's works and see what they do right and wrong.
    Not copycating their work for sure.

  • Hvem er dine helte?


  • Hvad laver du i din fritid?

    I love to collect stuff (Sneakers, Toys, and starbucks mugs)

  • Har du let ved at få nye venner?

    I would say yes i do

  • Kan du lide hunde eller katte?


  • Hvem eller hvad hader du?

    Not being on time

  • Det mest irriterende ved livet er:

    Lazy people

  • Hvad vil du gerne ændre ved dig selv?

    My shopping habit, yes I shop a lot!

  • Kan du give et par råd til de fotografer, som lige er startet?

    Be yourself
    Brand yourself to the world