Fotógrafo de casamento Alpesh Rabadia (alpeshrabadia). Foto de 18 de julho 2019
Fotógrafo de casamento Alpesh Rabadia (alpeshrabadia). Foto de 18 de julho 2019
Fotógrafo de casamento Alpesh Rabadia (alpeshrabadia). Foto de 18 de julho 2019
Fotógrafo de casamento Alpesh Rabadia (alpeshrabadia). Foto de 18 de julho 2019
Fotógrafo de casamento Alpesh Rabadia (alpeshrabadia). Foto de 18 de julho 2019
Fotógrafo de casamento Alpesh Rabadia (alpeshrabadia). Foto de 18 de julho 2019
Fotógrafo de casamento Alpesh Rabadia (alpeshrabadia). Foto de 18 de julho 2019
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Hindu Wedding & Reception of Krupa & Dhiran

Venue: Parklands Quendon Hall
Mahraj: Jai Krishna
Decore: Gayatri Weddings
Dj’s: Evallance UK
Photography & Video: Alpesh Rabadia PhotographyKrupa and Dhiran’s wedding at Parklands Quendon Hall was an amazing day full of joy, happiness and love and lots of banter!
We arrived early in the morning at Parklands Quendon Hall to capture Krupa getting ready, before Dhiran’s arrival. We were then led to the mandap by Krupa’s family, shortly after which she made her own grand entrance.
Parklands Quendon Hall is one of our favourite venues to shoot a wedding. Not only is it a versatile place to shoot, but the weather is always great, allowing couples to have their ceremony outdoor.
Once the official Indian wedding ceremony was over, it was time for the Koda Kodi, followed by a cheerful Vidai. Once Krupa and Dhiran returned from their drive around the grounds, we created some portraits in the beautiful Parklands Quendon Hall grounds, before waving them off to the honeymoon cottage to get ready for the evening’s reception.
From that point on all nerves were well and truly gone, and the evening was full of even bigger smiles, dinner, speeches, and a mind-blowing surprise dance by Dhiran and his friends! It was a fantastic party – an epic end to a truly wonderful day.
Being part of Krupa and Dhiran’s Parklands Quendon Hall Indian wedding has been one of the highlights of my year so far.
Krupa & Dhiran both allowed us plenty of time to capture their day!! Always important if you want great photography & Video!!
Here are some of my favourite pictures from the day…

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