Fotógrafo de casamento Frances Morency (francesmorency). Foto de 20 de abril 2016
Fotógrafo de casamento Frances Morency (francesmorency). Foto de 20 de abril 2016
Fotógrafo de casamento Frances Morency (francesmorency). Foto de 20 de abril 2016
Fotógrafo de casamento Frances Morency (francesmorency). Foto de 20 de abril 2016
Fotógrafo de casamento Frances Morency (francesmorency). Foto de 20 de abril 2016
Fotógrafo de casamento Frances Morency (francesmorency). Foto de 20 de abril 2016
Fotógrafo de casamento Frances Morency (francesmorency). Foto de 20 de abril 2016
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Private Property Barn Wedding

The bride arrives with her team of horses pulling her carriage driven by dad as the groom waited patiently in the barn. After the amazing wedding ceremony the bride and groom drove away in the wagon towards the back of the property by the pond where the wedding party and family would gather for formal portraits. The bride and groom walked around the property with me heading back towards cocktail hour and the reception while stopping for portraits along the way. The reception tent was decorated in luxurious details starting with a a cut out in the corn field where the massive circus tent was placed.

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