Nat Wongsaroj natwongsaroj PRO

Washington, Estados Unidos

Fotógrafo de casamento Nat Wongsaroj (natwongsaroj). Foto de 23 de abril 2015
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Amazing place ! Great shot : )
Thanks guys! I 've been told that this photo is "A-maze-ing" lol..
Great place, and great picture!! a-maze-ing lol!
Very, very nice!
Fantastic shot. Great interpretation of location
Behind the scene : It was in the 15th hour of the wedding (the whole day was 16-17 hours) and the bride and groom were a bit hesitant to do this but I insisted that they had to do this. Of course, we cheated and I let my assistant led them through the exit while I ran upstairs to the second floor at the National Building Museum after carefully scouting the location during the day. I snapped about 5-6 shots while my assistant carefully hid behind them popping the back light (you can see the beautiful light touching the edge of this concave maze), returning the bride and groom to the dance floor within 4-5 minutes. The maze (called "the big maze") was a temporary exhibit that was there only for about two months last summer — now it's gone!
Thanks Christian, Chris, Leopoldo and Francesco!
Genial galería !!! Enhorabuena

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Tirada em 13 de julho 2014