Fotograf ślubny Ufuk Sarışen (ufuksarisen). Zdjęcie z 10 lutego 2020
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Fotograf ślubny Ufuk Sarışen (ufuksarisen). Zdjęcie z 10 lutego 2020
Fotograf ślubny Ufuk Sarışen (ufuksarisen). Zdjęcie z 10 lutego 2020
Fotograf ślubny Ufuk Sarışen (ufuksarisen). Zdjęcie z 10 lutego 2020
Fotograf ślubny Ufuk Sarışen (ufuksarisen). Zdjęcie z 10 lutego 2020
Fotograf ślubny Ufuk Sarışen (ufuksarisen). Zdjęcie z 10 lutego 2020
Fotograf ślubny Ufuk Sarışen (ufuksarisen). Zdjęcie z 10 lutego 2020
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Wedding in a Car Museum, Merve+Emre

Rahmi Koç Museum, Istanbul is one of the places that the most of the wedding organisations take place. Therefore photos taken here are a risk as they can be stereotypical if you use ordinary backgrounds. However this marvellous place also provides a lot of opportunity to the photographer too. It was a very exciting outdoor photo shoot opportunity for me to use great reflections and flash techniques. After the preparations, the outdoor photo shoot really excited me. You cannot make your mind on which background to use. By the way, as the couple works for Mercedes, I did not miss the opportunity to take a photo in front of a classic Mercedes.

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