Fotograf ślubny Hoa Tran Trong (tronghoa). Zdjęcie z 1 listopada 2017
Fotograf ślubny Hoa Tran Trong (tronghoa). Zdjęcie z 1 listopada 2017
Fotograf ślubny Hoa Tran Trong (tronghoa). Zdjęcie z 1 listopada 2017
Fotograf ślubny Hoa Tran Trong (tronghoa). Zdjęcie z 1 listopada 2017
Fotograf ślubny Hoa Tran Trong (tronghoa). Zdjęcie z 1 listopada 2017
Fotograf ślubny Hoa Tran Trong (tronghoa). Zdjęcie z 1 listopada 2017
Fotograf ślubny Hoa Tran Trong (tronghoa). Zdjęcie z 1 listopada 2017
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Wedding annivesary session - Tuan & Linh

Tuan and Linh are a lovely couple that I have a chance to take photos for them. Tuan is a banker as well as a rocker with a special voice that I know, Linh is a small, cute girl, working with Tuan in the same company. Two people said love on Tuan’s birthday and more especially on Tuan’s birthday two years later, two people celebrated the engagement ceremony. This album is for Tuan & Linh's wedding anniversary.

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