Fotograf ślubny Ufuk Sarışen (ufuksarisen). Zdjęcie z 19 czerwca 2023
Fotograf ślubny Ufuk Sarışen (ufuksarisen). Zdjęcie z 19 czerwca 2023
Fotograf ślubny Ufuk Sarışen (ufuksarisen). Zdjęcie z 19 czerwca 2023
Fotograf ślubny Ufuk Sarışen (ufuksarisen). Zdjęcie z 19 czerwca 2023
Fotograf ślubny Ufuk Sarışen (ufuksarisen). Zdjęcie z 19 czerwca 2023
Fotograf ślubny Ufuk Sarışen (ufuksarisen). Zdjęcie z 19 czerwca 2023
Fotograf ślubny Ufuk Sarışen (ufuksarisen). Zdjęcie z 19 czerwca 2023
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A Cypriot Wedding in A Golf Hotel

Servet and Tanol, a Cypriot couple residing in Kyrenia, embarked on their wedding journey at the enchanting Korineum Golf Resort. Surrounded by the serene beauty of the resort, they celebrated their love with a lovely and heartfelt ceremony. The air was filled with joy and excitement as they exchanged vows, promising a lifetime of happiness together. As the day transitioned into a night of celebration, a crazy party ensued, filled with laughter, dancing, and unforgettable moments. The atmosphere was electric as friends and family came together to honor and rejoice in Servet and Tanol's union. Their wedding at Korineum Golf Resort was a perfect blend of love, beauty, and pure revelry, creating memories that will be cherished for a lifetime.

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