Widziano dawno temu

Fotograf Hiram Trillo


Widziano dawno temu

Fort Worth, Stany Zjednoczone PRO

10 lat na MyWed
Znam angielski
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/wkv54PmQeaIrdyY7gL8eRJAWyctwXldg46ohGpjuW3xD1CKYsqVgudLmnmH8_hUQ9-tFWVzTiXNSC_G2_z5H0h_45LR9h71Ta5ApuY0 Fort Worth, Stany Zjednoczone Hiram Trillo +1 806-252-3952


  • Czy jesteś fotogeniczny/fotogeniczna?

    Nope...that's why I try to stand behind the camera :)

  • Co sprawiło, że zajmujesz się fotografią?

    I have been in photography for a while, but took the leap to wedding photography after being terribly disappointed with out own wedding imagery.

  • Jakie twoim zdaniem są najważniejsze czynniki decydujące o dobrym zdjęciu?

    Emotion! An image without soul and feeling is an empty image.

  • Kochasz podróże?

    Yes! I am lucky enough to be able to travel all over the world capturing memories for other.

  • Co najbardziej lubisz w swoim zawodzie?

    The range of people I get to meet, and the love displayed across cultures.

  • Co najmniej lubisz w swoim zawodzie?

    Traveling without my family! Now that I am a father it's tough leaving my family for days. But I have an amazing wife that is my rock and cheerleader.

  • Jaka będzie przyszłość fotografii?

    I don't know and that is what I love about it. Having to discover myself and push myself each wedding is an amazing feeling and hope that I keep pushing forward.

  • Co wyróżnia rodzaj fotografii, którym się zajmujesz?

    You have one shot! That is it! I love capturing moments as they happen and don't recreate any, so I have one shot.

  • Jak radzisz sobie z krytyk?

    I think well. You have to, no one is perfect and the only way to keep learning and pushing yourself is by listening and paying attention. There will always be "hater" and people that will try to pull you down. Just keep your head up and your client happy.

  • Czy w fotografii panują jakieś trendy?

    Yes, there are always trends and they change all the time. I try not to follow them because most trends die out. I focus on giving my clients timeless pieces with the next generation in mind. I want their children and grandchildren to cherish the images as much as they do.

  • Jakie kryteria powinien przyjąć klient przy wyborze fotografa?

    You must click! You have to have chemistry. Not every client is your client and when you figure that out you will develop amazing client relationships and long time friends.

  • Co jest absolutnie niedozwolone podczas sesji?

    It's free game with me, I want to see the crazy side of my clients. That's when i know they trust me completely.

  • Jakie zwykle niezauważane szczegóły może uchwycić fotograf?

    That's a tough one. I have seen many things in my career so far but try to document everything. The behind the scenes before the bride and groom step up to the altar are some of my favorite moments

  • Co wpływa na wartość zdjęcia? Jakie są jego składowe?

    To me is emotion! Like I mentioned before an images must have feeling and soul.

  • Jaka osoba może być twoim zdaniem uznana za symbol XXI wieku?

    I have no idea. There are a ton of inspirational people around the world, selecting only one would be a disgrace.

  • Kogo chcesz fotografować?


  • Czy masz zawodowe tabu?

    Drugs! It's the only thing that I really don't care to be around.

  • Z kim marzy ci się fotografować?

    Robert Capa, James Nachtwey, Annie Leibovitz, Richard Avedon, Arturo Ghergo, Gregory Crewdson...

  • Co cię martwi i dlaczego?

    Before every wedding I tell myself "You are capturing the most important day of two peoples' lives...don't screw up"

  • Jaka była najwspanialsza chwila w twoim życiu?

    The day I got married, followed by the birth of my kids.

  • Gdybyś był/była postaci z kreskówki, książki lub filmu, kto by to był?

    Batman! Because I am a comic book geek and Batman has always been one of my favorites.

  • Kto inspiruje cię w życiu i dlaczego?

    My wife and kids. They are the first thing I see in the morning and the last thing before i go to sleep. They keep me on my toes!

  • Jaka jest twoja definicja sukcesu? Co jest jego miarą?

    If you are happy and can keep your head up you are successful. Seeing my kids grow up and having my family be proud of not only who I am but who they are as people.

  • Wolisz, aby cię lubiano czy szanowano?

    Respected. I rather have someone dislike me because I was honest with them, than being liked because I wasn't.

  • Jaki był twój największy bąłd zawodowy?

    I accidentally formatted a full card thinking it was an old cart. Realized it in time and just put it away and recovered about 98% of images...phew!

  • Co zabierasz ze sob w podróż i dlaczego?

    Camera, favorite lenses, speed lights, and the stuffed animal my kids send with me. A flash will always be with me because you never know when you need to create your own light.

  • Czy masz jakiś gadżet, zakupu którego żałujesz? Dlaczego?

    At the beginning I had nothing but gadgets and regretted it every time. Now I have only what I need.

  • Jak uczysz się robić lepsze zdjęcia?

    Practice and doing personal projects in different situations.

  • Czyje prace miały na ciebie największy wpływ jako na fotografa?

    Again, way to many amazing photographers to mention and that I have personally come across. Talent is everywhere!

  • Czy jest coś, o czym warto byłoby wiedzieć, zaczynając karierę w fotografii?

    How to take a good photo

  • Co chcesz przekazać poprzez swoje fotografie?

    I want to show my subjects as they are, simple and beautiful.

  • Co motywuje cię do dalszej pracy w fotografii?

    My clients! They are an incredible source of inspiration.

  • Uważasz, że twoi rodzice powinni byli być bardziej czy mniej surowi?

    They did an amazing job as parents. I would not change a thing about them.

  • Mając możliwość cofnąć się w czasie, co być zrobił/zrobiła inaczej?

    Not a thing. Every decision I made has brought me to where I am. I would not take a chance of changing anything.

  • Co myślisz o życiu na innych planetach?

    I hope there is. It would be selfish of us to think we are the only planet with life. That is just lonely!

  • Kto jest twoim bohaterem/bohaterką?

    The people that wake up everyday to do what they can to survive day after day. The men and women who do everything possible to make sure their children have a better life and the people that risk their safety for others as cliche as that sounds.

  • Do kogo nie żywisz szacunku?

    I am no one to judge. But anyone who disrespects my family or people I care about.

  • Co robisz w czasie wolnym?

    I don't have much but when ever I can I love playing futbol(soccer), rock climbing, and I'm a closet magician.

  • Jakiego aspektu twojej osobowości nie ujawniasz publicznie?

    I own a company (Trillo & Son Leather Co.)and make leather camera straps for professional photographers. (Shameless plug)

  • Kiedy twoja praca w pełni cię zadowala?


  • Czy wierzysz w tradycyjne role mężczyzny i kobiety?

    Nope, any gender can do it as good as the other.

  • Czy łatwo się zaprzyjaźniasz?

    I think so.

  • W jakim miejscu dobrze by ci się mieszkało?

    Not sure. I love traveling, but it's always good to come home to Texas.

  • Jaki była najgłupsza rzecz, którą zgodziłeś/zgodziłaś się zrobić?

    I don't have one :) no regrets.

  • Czy istnieje życie po małżeństwie?

    Of course! I think a new life begins, and it's amazing.

  • Masz ulubiony żart? Opowiedz go.

    I love jokes. Here is a cheesy but have really thought about doing it...-I changed my name on Facebook to "No One" so when I see stupid post I can click like and it will say "No One likes this"

  • Wolisz psy czy koty?

    Dogs. We have two, and I am allergic to cats.

  • Kogo lub co nienawidzisz?

    Hate is a very strong and over used word. I don't hate anyone but don't like ignorant people.

  • W życiu najlepsze jest:

    Life itself. Work to live, don't live to work. Enjoy the world around you, who know how long we will have it.

  • W życiu najbardziej irytuje mnie:


  • Czy jest wokół ciebie coś, co chcesz zmienić?


  • Co chcesz zmienić w sobie?

    to many things, but most are physical and doable so I'm working on them.

  • Co chcesz zmienić w świecie?


  • Czy możesz udzielić kilka wskazówek początkującym fotografom?

    Educate yourself! Make sure you know what your getting into and give it your all. Remember that you are capturing the most important day in a couples life :)

  • Jeżeli na Ziemię przybędą kosmici, a ty będziesz pierwszą osobą, która ich spotka, co im powiesz?

    E.T. phone home

  • Jeśli poproszono by cię o nakręcenie filmu, jaki byłby to gatunek?

    This is my weak point...I'm a cinephile so I would direct anything. I don't have favorite movies. I actually have a list of top film is each category sooooo...

  • Jutro pójdę i...

    Mow the lawn