Laatst gezien lang geleden

Fotograaf Laura Otoya


Laatst gezien lang geleden

Cartagena, Colombia 

9 jaar op MyWed
Ik spreek engels, spaans Cartagena, Colombia Laura Otoya +57 302 4285882


  • Bent u fotogeniek?

    Only whenever I'm not faking my smile ;)

  • Hoe bent u beland in de fotografie-industrie?

    I had always loved taking photos as a hobby but had no real knowledge on the subject. I was working at Citibank in one of those "dream jobs" that everyone wants only when they don't have it... I couldn't sleep, I dreamed with workflow diagrams (REALLY!) and I felt I just needed an escape. I bought my first semipro camera and registered into La Salle College. I took two courses and was just hooked, but never thought of pursuing photography as a career. After two years I met Gustavo (my fiancé and business partner) and since we both loved photography we took our cameras everywhere. Our friends began telling us that we took awesome photos and we should think about making it more than a hobby. We began investigating and went to a few weddings as second shooters until we felt ready to take on the responsibility on our own. We are both currently full time wedding photographers!

  • Wat zijn volgens u de belangrijkste elementen van een goede foto?

    Moment, emotion, light and composition.

  • Houdt u van reizen?

    I absolutely love to travel and hope to be able to see and photograph the world!

  • Wat vindt u het leukst aan uw beroep?

    Every wedding implies an emotional surge that renews me. I absolutely enjoy getting to know every client, helping and providing any assessment they may need, before and during their wedding day. We have made quite a few new friends thanks to this profession!

  • Wat vindt u het minst leuk aan uw beroep?

    There is way to much envy and nasty competition only based on pricing. Thankfully we have met a few collegues that share our view of being more human and friendly than competitive.

  • Wat ziet u de toekomst van fotografie?

    Brides and grooms who previously made the mistake of thinking "I have a friend who owns a professional camera" or "My uncle Bob will take care of the photos" or "I found a photographer who is INCREDIBLY cheaper than you" or even "my friend who takes photos for National Geographic offered to take my photos at no charge" are now alarming their own friends and suggesting they should invest in a profesional and experienced wedding photographer. Clients are beginning to realize that investing millions in flowers it not worth it if you don't at least have good photos to remember them by. So... the future? I'd say its just bound to be brighter every day!

  • Wat is er bijzonder aan het fotografiegenre waarin u zich specialiseert?

    The emotional component in the atmosphere that you can feel, capture and relive. As well as the amount of detail and effort that you know was put into making the day perfect... and knowing that you (or us in my case) are the ones responsible for making the couple and their family and friends be able to remember even more than what they were actually able to see.

  • Hoe gaat u om met kritiek?

    I try to receive it in a constructive way in order to improve. I would actually enjoy receiving more constructive criticism from colleagues.

  • Zijn er bepaalde trends in fotografie?

    I think there are several trends (some in fashion, others not so much) regarding the way you approach a wedding and there are also trends in the way images are edited and post-processed. None better than others, just different.

  • Welke criteria moet de klant hanteren bij het kiezen van een fotograaf?

    I believe they should just love their style and approach on weddings and feel connected and confident about their choice. If there is any reason to doubt, rethink.

  • Wat is er totaal uit den boze bij het fotograferen?

    Hmm... chewing gum? Wearing high heels? I don't know I guess anything that would be uncomfortable for your clients, their guests or even yourself.

  • Welke details die vaak onopgemerkt gaan, kan een fotograaf vastleggen?

    I would say the actions (emotional connection and complicity) between the bride and groom and the actions and reactions of the guests to whatever is going on. Practice makes us better observers in time.

  • Wat beïnvloedt de waarde van een foto? Wat zijn de elementen ervan?

    I believe in wedding photography there is value only when the photo is actually valuable for someone. The emotional component in the photo can make it even more valuable, and to some viewers, more or even less beautiful. You may have taken a photo that is your favorite of all times, but if the bride and groom divorce, the photo will have no value whatsoever to them and will loose sense even for you. You may take a regular portrait of the groom with his grandmother and then find out that grandma passed a few months after... that photo is invaluable to him and very valuable to you, but may be of no value to others. So elements? I guess the main one would be love.

  • Welke persoon kan volgens u symbool staan voor de 21e eeuw?

    There's still more than 80 years left in the century lets give it more time ;)

  • Wie wil u graag fotograferen?

    Happy and enamoured brides and grooms.

  • Heeft u bepaalde taboes op professioneel vlak?

    Nothing that I would consider a taboo comes to mind at the moment.

  • Met wie zou u graag fotograferen?

    There are a few renown wedding photographers that I would love to learn from and see, but I believe I already shoot with my favorite person in the world.

  • Waar maakt u zich zorgen over en waarom?

    I think I worry about the future that is meant to the following generations. I just see hatred, destruction and evil everywhere.

  • Wat is het meest indrukwekkende moment van uw leven?

    Hmmm first thing that comes to mind was my engagement, it was at night on Charles Bridge in Prague with the view the Prague Castle. Totally surprising, romantic and impressive!

  • Als u een personage van een cartoon, boek of film was, wie zou u dan zijn?

    Captain Planet. I would just love to have the power to "bring pollution down to zero".

  • Wie inspireert u in uw leven en waarom?

    My fiancé and my family. They are motors in my life and I want to always see them happy.

  • Hoe definieert u succes? Hoe meet u het?

    Being able to live happily, peacefully and freely. Finding the joy in everything you do (specially for a living), and enjoying both the simple and the complex.

  • Bent u liever graag gezien of gerespecteerd?

    Liked. I'd say most people that like you will respect you anyway. If respect is only a manifestation of hypocrisy, in the long run you inspire nothing.

  • Wat is de grootste fout die u ooit begaan heeft op professioneel vlak?

    Hmm... I once sent an album off for printing and when I received it I realized that the bride had a black smudge on her cheek in the photo of the kiss. I went to look at the original photo and when I zoomed in I discovered that the black smudge was actually a huge mosquito. Of course I had to send it back and pay for the correction. I now zoom in to anything that I'm not so sure is a mole.

  • Wat neemt u mee op reis en waarom?

    A very good smartphone. It holds all important information, allows you to use GPS applications, access the internet, communicate with loved ones and take (good-enough) daytime photos and video. I've never had to travel without additionally taking my camera but it ends up being "too much" when all you need is a selfie or a fellow tourist that can actually take a photo that is in focus.

  • Is er iets dat u liever niet gekocht had tussen de gadgets die u bezit? Waarom?

    While you learn what is truly important you spend on things you think you need. I would totally take back a few backdrops that I bought expecting to have extra time during the week to do lots of newborn photography. Whenever I need a backdrop I use different alternatives anyway.

  • Hoe leert u bij om betere foto's te maken?

    "Practice makes the master” and I do feel I learn more with every wedding we shoot. However we try to find time to do at least one professional workshop every year, read and investigate ways to improve and perfect technical knowledge, follow and analyze photos taken by other colleges (not only weddings), take online courses and watch good movies.

  • Wiens werk heeft u het meest beïnvloed als fotograaf?

    Susan Stripling.

  • Wat had u graag geweten toen u begon als fotograaf?

    No matter how much effort you put into a photo or how much heart you involve in making the image the best, "beauty still is in the eye of the beholder". You just can't suffer or take it personal if in the end it doesn't even make the photo album.

  • Wat wil u graag zeggen met uw foto's?

    I just want my images to speak for themselves.

  • Wat motiveert u om foto's te blijven maken?

    The value that so many clients give to our work and the fact that the value of many of them will increase even more during time. Reading the testimonial section in our blog is a permanent motivation!

  • Hadden uw ouders strenger of minder streng moeten zijn?

    They did their best and surely made mistakes like every parent, but bottom line is I always felt loved. I think they should have been just like they were because that's what has made me the person I am today.

  • Wat zou u anders doen als u in de tijd kon terugkeren?

    I would have spent less on the unnecessary and more on experiences and travel.

  • Wat denkt u over leven op andere planeten?

    Seriously? NASA will surely answer this one better than I can.

  • Wie zijn uw helden?

    I have considered my father my hero for as long as I can remember. Total admiration <3

  • Voor wie kan u geen respect opbrengen?

    People who treat you like crap just because they think they are in a "higher" place than you are.

  • Wat doet u in uw vrije tijd?

    I try to spend more quality time with my friends and family. If there is singing involved, better yet!

  • Welke kant van u krijgt het publiek niet te zien?

    Depends on the public... I am very sensitive but I don't show it much. A few wedding vows and speeches have made me cry in "public" recently.

  • Wanneer bent u helemaal tevreden over uw werk?

    Whenever we receive a call or message from the bride and groom expressing how happy they are with their photos.

  • Gelooft u in een traditionele rolverdeling voor man en vrouw?

    I was born in a very traditional household but believe roles have changed for justifiable reasons.

  • Maakt u gemakkelijk vrienden?

    I consider myself a friendly person but I am not very good at being in contact with everybody. I've always hated spending hours on the phone (not even as a teenager that I actually tried). My true friends know they can count on me and I'm always there even if we don't see or speak to each other often.

  • Waar zou u graag wonen?

    A retirement in the Rosario Islands in Cartagena would be a dream come true. In the meantime I prefer to be someplace where I can travel for both work and pleasure easily. Bogotá is ideal in this case.

  • Wat is het domste waarmee u ooit akkoord bent gegaan?

    Go Bungee Jumping off a 130 meter viaduct near Cajamarca, Colombia.

  • Is er een leven na het huwelijk?

    If I didn't think so I wouldn't be getting married!

  • Heeft u een favoriete mop? Vertel ...

    I am so bad at jokes I can never remember any.

  • Houdt u van honden of van katten?


  • Wie of wat haat u?

    Hypocrisy and superficiality.

  • Het beste in het leven is:

    Having enough reasons to smile and laugh often.

  • Het vervelendste in het leven is:

    When you just feel 24 hour days aren't enough and there is nothing you can do about it.

  • Is er iets rondom u dat u graag zou veranderen?

    Nope, just go with the flow.

  • Wat zou u graag veranderen aan uzelf?

    I would be a little less stubborn and a little more wild.

  • Wat zou u graag veranderen aan de wereld?

    Lack of love, indifference, injustice, misery, envy and resentment.

  • Kan u tips geven voor beginnende fotografen?

    Start off as second shooters while you truly learn the dynamic of wedding photography... and don't just do it for the money.

  • Als buitenaardse wezens naar de Aarde komen en u bent de eerste persoon die ze ontmoeten, wat zal u hen dan zeggen?

    I'd probably just stare (or hide) and be totally incapable of communication. Unless they look like ET.

  • U wordt gevraagd om een film te maken, welk genre wordt het?

    Drama – hopefully taking place in an inspiring city like Prague.

  • Morgen zal ik ... doen

    Tomorrow is saturday... take a wild guess!?