Jurufoto perkahwinan Alexander Ziegler (spreeliebe). Foto pada 9 Oktober 2023
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Jurufoto perkahwinan Alexander Ziegler (spreeliebe). Foto pada 9 Oktober 2023
Jurufoto perkahwinan Alexander Ziegler (spreeliebe). Foto pada 9 Oktober 2023
Jurufoto perkahwinan Alexander Ziegler (spreeliebe). Foto pada 9 Oktober 2023
Jurufoto perkahwinan Alexander Ziegler (spreeliebe). Foto pada 9 Oktober 2023
Jurufoto perkahwinan Alexander Ziegler (spreeliebe). Foto pada 9 Oktober 2023
Jurufoto perkahwinan Alexander Ziegler (spreeliebe). Foto pada 9 Oktober 2023
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Juliane & Louis

This is the story of Juliane and Louis, a German-British wedding at the famous Diedersdorf Castle
in the countryside near Berlin.

Very nice i love it !!!
Cool, beautiful and honest story!
Thanks for your honest comment :)
Good job! The first photo is beautiful!
Not a bad story, but the post-production is too patchy. The color (and especially the saturation) is very different at the beginning of the series and at the end. Quite a lot of black and white photos that are unsubstantiated
Thanks Sergey. I always appreciate honest and helpful critique. You are right in all of your points. I will try to focus more on color images and consistency in the future.

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