Jurufoto perkahwinan Dimitri Finko (dimafinko). Foto pada 1 April 2023
Jurufoto perkahwinan Dimitri Finko (dimafinko). Foto pada 1 April 2023
Jurufoto perkahwinan Dimitri Finko (dimafinko). Foto pada 1 April 2023
Jurufoto perkahwinan Dimitri Finko (dimafinko). Foto pada 1 April 2023
Jurufoto perkahwinan Dimitri Finko (dimafinko). Foto pada 1 April 2023
Jurufoto perkahwinan Dimitri Finko (dimafinko). Foto pada 1 April 2023
Jurufoto perkahwinan Dimitri Finko (dimafinko). Foto pada 1 April 2023
Jurufoto perkahwinan Dimitri Finko (dimafinko). Foto pada 1 April 2023
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Yevhen & Liza

Paris is not only about romance and tenderness. The capital of France can be dynamic, vibrant, and athletic. An exciting photo session in Paris with Yevhen and Liza perfectly demonstrated this.I met the guys in the early morning in May near the most famous museum of the planet, the symbol of Paris, the pride of France — the Louvre. In the XII century, it was represented by a medieval fortress. Already in the second half of the XIV century, it became the residence of the French kings and remained so for 700 years. In 1793, the Louvre was transformed into a real temple of art, and little more than 20 years ago, the museum obtained its most controversial element — the glass pyramid.The pyramid is the third most popular art object after Mona Lisa and Venus de Milo among Louvre's visitors. Some believe that modern architecture is an insult to the old museum and worsens the view of the courtyard of Napoleon. On the other hand, innovators adore such a luxurious combination of oldness and novelty.Tourists, and I, as a photographer in Paris, appreciate this modern work of art, because it serves as a great photo location. In the May season, fountains begin to work here, and small ripples, running through the artificial pond, create very vivid pictures, by mirroring from the transparent pyramid's edges under the sun's rays.Although May is the warmest month of spring, which is considered the door to summer, the morning of our meeting with Yevhen and Liza was unusually cold. The square was deserted and quiet, which became an ideal background for a love story photo shoot in Paris.As I said at the beginning, the lovers chose sporty outfits to express their inner fire driving them in everyday lives. Liza wore white skinny jeans, chunky white sneakers, which perfectly emphasized her slim silhouette, and a sweatshirt with a black leather jacket. To match the image of his girlfriend, Yevhen put on fashionably ripped jeans, bright red hoodie, and a blue coat.During a conversation with the guys, it turned out that sport plays a primary role in their lifestyle, and work with such an energetic couple filled me with positive and inspiration as I also have an affinity with sports and training.Sincerely smiling and sharing their cheerfulness with the world, Yevhen and Liza looked very naturally and dynamically in the frame, and our photo session at the Louvre was an enjoyable pastime. Even in black and white photo processing, you can see the lively nature of the guys.Their love and passion know no bounds — you can see, or rather feel it, on any picture. Liza took off from the ground in the arms of Yevhen and even did the perfect splits with strong support.Having filled with energy, we went to the next location — the Pont des Arts, which is also called the bridge of lovers. Every year this place is visited by hundreds of thousands of people, both Parisians and guests of the city, and of course, artists, photographers, and producers. It opens incredibly beautiful and picturesque views, as if it's the portal to the royal capital.There is a belief that if you hang a lock on the iron shutters of the bridge and throw the key in the Seine, then this will surely bring happiness. Imagine how many locks of "happiness" were hung, once the iron construction began to sag. Public utilities of the city have thought about the potential threat of such an innocent action and forbidden the tradition.Yevhen and Liza did not hang their lock in order not to violate the new rules, but they still managed to feel an incredible aura of love that is present on the bridge. Their gazes at each other became more gentle and long, and their hugs were more delicate and prominent.In such a dynamic company, time flew by indeed unnoticed. That's why we consider sports an engine of life. Yevhen and Liza are a brilliant example of the fact that you shouldn't sit tight. Conversely, go for the adventure, putting on the most comfortable sneakers and holding the hand of your beloved one.Your photographer in Paris, Dimitri Finko.

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