Philip Mundy philipmundy

Viña del Mar, Chile

Jurufoto perkahwinan Philip Mundy (philipmundy). Foto pada 26 Mei 2020
Tambah ke kegemaran

Jared and Victoria, travelled from Virginia, USA to Chile to have this beautiful pre-wedding photoshoot. We were in Valparaiso City.

Wow, how beautiful it is! I admire this frame, its heroes and its angle, creating a wonderful picture. How cute and lovely the newlyweds look and their touches to each other against the backdrop of a flock of birds that soar through a cloudless sky. I like this smooth transition of shades of sky at sunset from warm yellow to cold blue with a predominance of red. It looks great!
Mesej dihapuskan oleh pemiliknya
Thanks for your words and critic! Sometimes I shoot without noticing all the details in the frame. I will never forget this shot `cause a seagull poop on my face during this image but I remained as a pro and kept on working

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24 mm
Syot 26 Julai 2016