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Fotogrāfs Vishwas M


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Bengalūru, Indija 

MyWed 4 gadiem
Es varu sazināties angļu, kannadu, telugu, tamilu, hindi Bengalūru, Indija Vishwas M +91 89048 41407


  • Pirmkārt un galvenokārt - kurš Tavuprāt ir labākais fotogrāfs Tavā pilsētā? :)

    Well there are many great photographers who have set the standards and evolved over time.
    Naming one would be tough but, M definitely one among them.

  • Vai Tu esi fotogēnisks?

    My friends say so. I would go with their opinion on this.

  • Kā tu nokļuvi fotogrāfijas jomā?

    I always had an unexplored part within me, felt i was good at imagination and being creative. And i eventually felt i can take photos to represent my thoughts.
    it was my wedding times where i had to pose for camera, but my mind and heart kept on saying me that you belong to be on the other side of the camera. Those were the times i made up my mind to take actions to follow my heart. And that is how it all started.

  • Kuri, Tavuprāt, ir svarīgākie labas fotogrāfijas elementi?

    - Good composition
    - Story telling
    - Good balance of light

  • Vai Tu mīli ceļošanu?

    - Yes i do. Most of my travels are for my shoots.

  • Kas Tev vislabāk patīk savā profesijā?

    - The challenge of working with different couple with different level of expectation and abilities to pose to the camera.
    - Every couple is different and we need to get consistent shots even when they are new to pose to camera.

  • Kas Tavā profesijā Tev patīk vismazāk?

    - Photography as a business and the way people realize the importance of it

  • Kāda būs fotogrāfijas nākotne?

    - Sky is the limit. or may be beyond that...!!
    - At the end, all it matters is a happy client.

  • Kas ir īpašs fotogrāfijas žanrā, kurā specializējies?

    - Being an Indian wedding photographer, We would have lots people gathered and lots of events happening simultaneously which increases the need of attention to details and timing.

  • Kā Tu uztver kritiku?

    Always open for it. That is the reason i am here today grown from ground till date.

  • Vai fotogrāfijā ir kādas īpašas tendences?

    - Yes , capture the same moments differently. It always trends

  • Kādi ir kritēriji, kas klientam jāņem vērā, izvēloties fotogrāfu?

    - Talk to them like a friend
    - See all of his works, not just few fancy clicks
    - Know your limits and the photographer's as well

  • No kā fotogrāfējot būtu jāizvairās?

    - Avoid everything else but Shooting

  • Kādus parasti nepamanītus brīžus var notvert fotogrāfs?

    - We with our lens and machines notice minute details, lights, and emotions which can be paused forever