Ultimo accesso molto tempo fa

Fotografo Igor Lucchetta


Ultimo accesso molto tempo fa

Venezia, Italia 

...the earth burns, the sea is under tempest, the wind that so damned hardly blows, this is what runs through my veins when I take pictures...again and again and again... I am in agony like if Gods would challenge me till the last sunshine would stop torture this fiery earth...I thirst for light…

Da 7 anni su MyWed
Parlo inglese, italiano, russo
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/6JQm0wLyY9NOlMotVmJKJetN2qcoyyIVdeatSNNSkuRQqcXFYxGcEaB8_-QRauGjL90dsVYGDNpd1qzTISW9dDjCaDCFG5tHGiwVdg Venezia, Italia Igor Lucchetta +39 334 899 7489
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