Hochzeitsfotograf Orçun Yalçın (orcunyalcin). Foto vom 25. Mai 2020
Hochzeitsfotograf Orçun Yalçın (orcunyalcin). Foto vom 25. Mai 2020
Hochzeitsfotograf Orçun Yalçın (orcunyalcin). Foto vom 25. Mai 2020
Hochzeitsfotograf Orçun Yalçın (orcunyalcin). Foto vom 25. Mai 2020
Hochzeitsfotograf Orçun Yalçın (orcunyalcin). Foto vom 25. Mai 2020
Hochzeitsfotograf Orçun Yalçın (orcunyalcin). Foto vom 25. Mai 2020
Hochzeitsfotograf Orçun Yalçın (orcunyalcin). Foto vom 25. Mai 2020
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A Greek Elopment in Istanbul

Emmanouela and Dimitris have decided to elope in Istanbul. Only two of their friends witnessed their love story in a cold Istanbul weather in January. They started to get ready in a very cozy hotel room at Swiss Hotel Bosphorus. Their wedding ceremony took place in the Patriarchal Cathedral of Saint George. The Ecumenical Patriarchate of Istanbul is one of the fourteen to sixteen autocephalous churches that together compose the Eastern Orthodox Church. Because of its historical location as the capital of the former Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Empire and its role as the Mother Church of most modern Orthodox churches.

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