Luigi Reccia luigireccia

Неаполь, Італія

Весільний фотограф Luigi Reccia (luigireccia). Фотографія від 16 червня 2018
Весільний фотограф Luigi Reccia (luigireccia). Фотографія від 16 червня 2018
Весільний фотограф Luigi Reccia (luigireccia). Фотографія від 16 червня 2018
Весільний фотограф Luigi Reccia (luigireccia). Фотографія від 16 червня 2018
Весільний фотограф Luigi Reccia (luigireccia). Фотографія від 16 червня 2018
Весільний фотограф Luigi Reccia (luigireccia). Фотографія від 16 червня 2018
Весільний фотограф Luigi Reccia (luigireccia). Фотографія від 16 червня 2018
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Cyril + Roberta

Many, too many things should be said about the wedding in Villa Baia dei Cesari's garden of Cyril and Roberta.The risk is to end up praising the whole visual aspect of the whole day, writing about how beautiful were the settings, the atmosphere, the landscape, the location, the decorations, the flowers.But there is much more, if I loved their wedding I owe it above all to them, to their families, to their guests, friends and relatives. Because they are special, truly, honest people. Values ​​that I consider important, fundamental in human relationships. And they really are so, without masks, without fashions, without choices made because they are "trendy".They wanted a party that could connect everyone, bring them close to each other, and they did it with just a few simple steps. Small lights, a beautiful garden, a few frills and a dinner with a single premise: "feel free, free to celebrate, to eat what you want and how much you want, but do not waste anything".Italy, France, Belgium, small pieces of the world, together under the same sky, singing the same song and dancing the same dance.

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