
摄影师Mark Oliver



泰梅什堡, 罗马尼亚 

在MyWed上9 年
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/_RqpO4ZGGRK4VJHnHeCrg2Y9oqev8b3HNHsKhUJlM3C91psHrAd2ipJYxGSpGgRnmZeiqtEN4jtkO0c_WMMgmYT4yYAsoHXxvuzKIA 泰梅什堡, 罗马尼亚 Mark Oliver +40 733 206 660


  • 首先——您能否指出谁是来自泰梅什堡, 罗马尼亚的最优秀的摄影师?:)

    Its like asking who s the best singer, there s no real answer. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

  • 您上相吗?

    yes Im very photogenic, I've been also told I'm attractive but i believe that s just my biased girlfriend acting up

  • 您是如何进入摄影行业的?

    It started as a hobby usual stuff, landscapes, hdr s, cityscapes. And then I fell in love with portraits and thought on how to make money ou of what i love. After a "few small" investments Im now going on 5 years as a professional photographer.

  • 在您看来,一张好的照片最重要的组成部分有哪些?

    Light, composition, location and the moment captured wether is a portrait or couple shot

  • 您热爱旅行吗?


  • 对于您的职业,您最喜欢什么地方?

    Post processing pictures JK. Traveling, meeting new people and making couples happy with my work

  • 对于您的职业,您最不喜欢什么地方?

    Post processing pictures, culling in particular

  • 摄影的前景如何?

    yes, something involving drone strobe lights that follow you everywhere and always give you Rembrandt lighting on your subjects, cameras with 10 recording from where you can use print screens in RAW format. Cameras and lenses so light that you can mount them on your head and work with no restrictions. I have to specify Im already on my third coffee so this "future" might not be for everybody. Its only 11 AM for god sake

  • 您专长的摄影风格有什么特别?

    It combines the genres, you've got portrait photography, couple photography, group photography, detail photography, architecture photography, landscape photography, boudoir photography, crowd photography travel photography all this while shooting for an album and pressured by weather constraints, time constraints, mother in law yelling, uncles taking pictures in front of you. It' s brutal stuff i love it

  • 您如何应对批评?

    I always make sure that my client know what I do and what my stile is so that the expectations are always met. I've never had any complaints from my clients. Other photographers are another thing and Im open for constructive criticism always