
摄影师Mark Fierst



明尼阿波利斯, 美国 

在MyWed上7 年
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/Qv8FDW5BX-I7TBTCaNpJ-aXBNyHvnls5xAzSD1XgYRdmXpefw-s6cpm5vk3Zv2YPUhSmMtoByxRr32_GRXMup74WSlT_f_X1AMNBQXo 明尼阿波利斯, 美国 Mark Fierst +1 612-419-1771


  • 首先——您能否指出谁是来自明尼阿波利斯, 美国的最优秀的摄影师?:)

    I think Erin Johnson is the best wedding photographer in the Twin Cities. She has been doing it for many years and has a brand that is uniquely hers.

  • 您上相吗?

    No, lol. That's why I'm behind the camera.

  • 您是如何进入摄影行业的?

    I've always loved taking pictures, and a friend suggested that I do photograph friend's wedding. The rest is history!

  • 在您看来,一张好的照片最重要的组成部分有哪些?

    1. Good use of light
    2. A photo existing within the context of a story
    3. Intentionality

  • 您热爱旅行吗?

    I LOVE to travel!

  • 对于您的职业,您最喜欢什么地方?

    I love meeting, working with, and becoming friends with new people. I also love being able to capture a moment that can end up meaning the world to a bride, a groom, a couple, a family member, or a friend.

  • 对于您的职业,您最不喜欢什么地方?

    I don't like it when some photographers make it more about themselves and their "art" than the needs and desires of the couple.

  • 摄影的前景如何?

    I honestly don't think much will change. I think weddings have some deep rooted traditions that will alway exist. If you're focus in wedding photography isn't people, you will not have success. And the underlying truths about relationships and love will never change.

  • 您专长的摄影风格有什么特别?

    Being able to capture a moment that resonates with a couple is one of the best part of my job.

  • 您如何应对批评?

    I take all criticism seriously. Sometimes it has complete merit. Sometimes it doesn't. Being able to honestly and humbly tell the difference is the key to growth.

  • 摄影有什么趋势?

    There are trends in any business. Again, being able to tell which trends have merit is key to sustainability.

  • 客户选择摄影师时应该遵循什么标准?

    1a. The Photographer's style of photographs.
    1b. The personal connection you feel with the photographer.

  • 拍摄时绝不允许什么事情?

    I think most things are on the table. I really try to capture the day as it unfolds, so laughter, tears, the ugly cry; those things are free game. Of course unflattering poses should always be avoided. And every now and then, there is that awkward moment between a family member that you just let pass.

  • 什么影响照片的价值?它的元素有哪些?

    The more emotion in a picture the better.

  • 在您看来,什么人可以成为 21 世纪的代表人物?

    I hope it can be Jesus. Religious significance aside, his teachings are universal: love your neighbor, love your enemy, acceptance, forgiveness, accountability. I also think the concept of putting your faith in something larger than yourself creates a humility that our world is in desperate need of.

  • 您想要为谁拍摄?

    People having fun.

  • 您有职业禁忌吗?

    Shooting with my camera at an angle.

  • 您想与谁一起拍摄?

    Annie Liebovitz

  • 您担心什么?为什么担心?

    Every time I send the link to the wedding gallery to the couple, I always worry that they won't like their pictures. I always have the fear that they won't like them. I guess that fear always pushes you to be the best you can be on the wedding day though.

  • 在生命中,给您印象最深的时刻是什么?

    Probably my wedding. The fact that another human would want to spend forever with me is pretty amazing ;)

  • 如果有机会成为一个动画、文学或电影人物,您想成为谁?为什么?

    Winnie the Pooh. Simple. Carefree. One moment at a time.

  • 在生命中谁鼓舞了您?为什么?

    My wife. My kids. Jesus.

  • 您如何定义成功?如何衡量它?

    One review at a time.

  • 您非常受人喜欢或尊敬吗?

    I think they go hand in hand.

  • 您在工作中犯过的最大错误是什么?

    I lost a memory card once. (I found it 2 months later though)

  • 当您准备去旅行时,要携带什么?为什么?

    I always pack too much. I always want to be prepared for whatever might happen.

  • 您如何提高自己以拍摄出更好的照片?

    Copy others, lol. But honestly, look at the work of others, find what inspires you, learn how to do it.

  • 谁的作品对您作为摄影师的影响最大?

    Jeannine Pohl, another Twin Cities photographer. She has mentored be immensely, and most of what I am good at is because of her.

  • 开始拍摄时,您最想知道什么?

    When I first started, I had no clue how focal length affected depth of field.

  • 您想对自己的照片说什么?

    I would like to say that I knew who the couple was at their core.

  • 什么激励您继续拍摄下去?

    I am always searching to find that perfect moment.

  • 您的父母是否应该更严厉或变得温和一点呢?

    Less strict.

  • 如果能够回到过去,您会有什么不同的举动?

    I would start photography as a career sooner. But then again, life experiences have made me the photographer I am now.

  • 对于其他星球上的生命,您有何看法?

    The chances are miniscule.

  • 您在业余时间会做什么?

    If it has anything to do with sports, I am probably doing it. Netflix has also played a bigger role for me and my wife lately.

  • 公众从不会看到您的哪一面?

    The private side.

  • 什么时候您对自己的作品完全满意?

    I'm satisfied when the bride is satisfied!

  • 您主张男人和女人的传统角色吗?

    I believe in traditional roles. I believe in non-traditional roles.

  • 您很容易就会交到朋友吗?

    I feel that I can connect with and relate to new people very well. Everyone has different standards and definitions of friends, but I feel I can be friends with most people.

  • 您想生活在什么地方?

    I would love to live in Chicago. I love the energy of the city, yet it still has Midwestern values.

  • 您答应做的最愚蠢的事情是什么?

    Answering all of these questions, lol. I think there is value that you can take from any experience, even the bad ones.

  • 结婚之后生活的质量高吗?


  • 您有最喜欢的玩笑吗?请告诉我们。

    Can't share publicly.

  • 您喜欢狗还是喜欢猫?


  • 您讨厌谁,或者厌恶什么?

    Hate? I don't know if I "hate" anything or anyone. I have a lot of pet peeves though; that's for sure.

  • 生活中最美好的事情是:


  • 生活中最让人烦心的事情是:


  • 您希望改变自己的哪些方面?

    the number of fat cells, lol.

  • 您希望改变世界什么地方?

    More love. Less hate.

  • 对于刚入行的摄影师,您能提供一些建议吗?

    Trust yourself. Don't settle.

  • 如果外星人来到地球并且您是他们见到的第一个人,您会跟他们说什么?

    Go back.

  • 如果您被邀请去拍一部电影,您希望是什么流派?

    Romantic Comedy.

  • 明天我会去做...

    ...all the things I didn't do today.