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Fotograf Kathryn Edwards


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Nottingham, Storbritannien 

På MyWed i 4 år
Jag talar engelska Nottingham, Storbritannien Kathryn Edwards +44 7732 222876


  • Först och främst - vem kan du nämna som den bästa fotografen i Nottingham, Storbritannien? :)

    Well that would be Kathryn Edwards of course! ;-)

  • Är du fotogenisk?

    Unusually for a photographer I quite like having my picture taken. Although I wouldn't say I am photogenic. I tend to just grin inanely at the camera or pout! haha! My profile picture is a rare photo my photographer friend caught of me off guard. Always the best ones!

  • Hur började du inom fotografi?

    Quite by accident really. It is a long story. But the short version is – I was 30, and the guest at many weddings that year, and sort of discovered photography during that year. It was a few years later that I decided to give wedding photography a go, and I have never looked back!

  • Vilka är enligt dig de viktigaste komponenterna för ett bra fotografi?

    Number one is the people in the photo looking happy and relaxed. And second (only just!) is the light! I am always seeking out the best light for a photo!

  • Älskar du att resa?

    I do love travelling and visiting new places yes.

  • Vad gillar du mest med ditt yrke?

    The couples I get to meet along the way. I always feel like I work with the best couples! I love getting to know each and every one.

  • Vad gillar du minst med ditt yrke?

    All the cake I have to eat. Its terrible for the waist line!

  • Hur kommer framtiden för fotografering att se ut?

    Well, I hope it will always be something that is valued but fashions and styles and cameras will always be changing. I have just moved over to mirrorless, which I think is taking over from DSLR. He kit is so much lighter, which is great!

  • Vad är det speciella med den fotografigenre du specialiserar i?

    he people at the centre of it. He number one thing that makes a wedding are the people there! If you are in love and surrounded by the people you love, then its got to be the most special day ever! And I am truly lucky to get to experience that regularly!

  • Hur hanterar du kritik?

    Hmmm... Next!

  • Finns det några trender inom fotografering?

    Yes always! I try to steer clear from trends. But you can't help but look back at your photos, and go, oh that was a thing in 2014 or whatever!! So I guess it is difficult to avoid completely.

  • Vad bör kriterierna vara för en kund som ska välja en fotograf?

    Firstly their work. You need to imagine yourself in their photos. Secondly, clicking with them on a personal level. If you can meet or chat to your photographer before you book, you will know if this is someone you want around you all day.

  • Vilka detaljer kan en fotograf fånga som vanligtvis går obemärkta?

    Good light! An unusual backdrop (I am a sucker for a brick wall!) Anything with leading lines or depth of field. Sometimes, it is not always the obvious place to shoot. But if the light is right, I could be perfect.

  • Vad påverkar fotots värde? Vilka är dess element?

    Light, natural smiles, good composition.

  • Vem vill du fotografera?

    Michael Stipe and/or Richard E Grant (can I have two?) I am a big Withnail and I fan.

  • Vilket är det mest imponerande ögonblicket i ditt liv?

    I climbed Mount Kilimanjaro!

  • Om du vore en animerad, litterär eller filmkaraktär, vem skulle du vara och varför?

    Hmm... I'll come back to this!

  • Vem är din inspirationskälla i livet och varför?

    My mum. Because she is great!

  • Hur definierar du framgång? Hur mäter du framgång?

    Being happy. Making other people happy.

  • Föredrar du att vara omtyckt eller respekterad?


  • Hur utbildar du dig själv för att bli en bättre fotograf?

    Attending photography workshops and conferences on a yearly basis. here is always something new to learn and someone new to inspire you.

  • Vems arbete har haft störst inflytande över dig som fotograf?

    Lisa Devlin was my mentor when I first started out. So a huge influence.

  • Vad försöker du säga med dina fotografier?

    I want to make people smile.

  • Vad motiverar dig att fortsätta att ta bilder?

    The couples I work with.

  • Om du kunde resa tillbaka i tiden, vad skulle du göra annorlunda?

    Nothing. No regrets. Every decision you make, even the bad ones lead you to where you are. And your future is an open books with no mistakes in it yet!

  • Tror du att det finns liv på andra planeter?

    Must be!

  • Finns det någon person som du inte har någon respekt för?

    rude people

  • Vad gör du på fritiden?

    Dance and read. Not at the same time.

  • Har du någon sida som du aldrig visar upp offentligt?

    I suppose I am quite shy, although I come across as an extrovert. I enjoy my own company, and need my own space sometimes.

  • När är du fullständigt tillfredsställd med ditt arbete?

    When I look back on it, over time.

  • Tror du på de traditionella mans- och kvinnorollerna?


  • Gillar du hundar eller katter?


  • Det bästa med livet är:


  • Det mest irriterande med livet är:

    Chocolate makes you fat

  • Finns det någonting runt omkring dig som du skulle vilja ändra på?

    Well, don't get me started! Because my political views might put you off! But certainly our relationship to the environment and the natural world! But I'll leave it at that for now. I might want to change the government.

  • Finns det någonting om dig själv som du skulle vilja ändra?

    Be more tidy

  • Vad vill du ändra på i världen?

    see above!

  • Kan du ge några råd till nya fotografer?

    Shoot shoot shoot. Second shoot. Be nice. Get to know other photographers.

  • Om du skulle bli tillfrågad att spela in en film, vilken genre skulle det vara?

    Rom Com

  • Imorgon kommer jag att...

    some Lindy Hop dancing.