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Fotograf Erica Bader


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Portland, Förenta staterna 

På MyWed i 10 år
Jag talar engelska Portland, Förenta staterna Erica Bader +1 503-476-5059


  • Är du fotogenisk?

    I wouldn't consider myself naturally photogenic but I'm comfortable around cameras and I do know which angles are good and which ones are no no's!

  • Hur började du inom fotografi?

    I totally just fell into it in college. I was an art major with no real direction but I loved the photography classes! My professor asked me if I'd be interested in helping out a wedding photographer friend of his and I found out at that first wedding that this would be an amazing career for me!

  • Vilka är enligt dig de viktigaste komponenterna för ett bra fotografi?

    Truth is #1 in my opinion. If the photo is totally fake, staged or doesn't say anything then its nearly worthless in my opinion. After that, light and composition are king!

  • Vad är det speciella med den fotografigenre du specialiserar i?

    Wedding photography is different than anything else because everything moves so FAST! You have to master so many skills, macro, still life, architectural and of course portrait! It also doesn't hurt to be educated in the right gear such as off camera lighting so you can capture a beautiful moment even in the worst lighting conditions.

  • Vad bör kriterierna vara för en kund som ska välja en fotograf?

    First of all you should be able to look at a photographer's portfolio and imagine yourself in their photos. Secondly, when you meet the photographer, you really need to click. You'll spend one of the most important days of your life with this person and you definitely don't want to be annoyed or uncomfortable around that person.

  • Vem vill du fotografera?

    Happy people! Always looking for the happy people!

  • Finns det ett liv efter äktenskapet?

    Wait, what kind of a question is this? OF COURSE! My husband and I just celebrated our 10th anniversary and we've done so much life together. We've traveled the world, built our careers, failed in real estate, and most excitedly, made a baby!

  • Har du ett favoritskämt? Berätta det för oss.

    My favorite joke is really long and involved a Jewish samurai and circumcision... not sure if its totally PC...