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Фотограф Studio By Ana Lui


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Ибица, Испания 

5 лет на MyWed
Владею языками: английский, испанский, итальянский
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/iQ0dx7kmdcrnzX4VQvIT9TJzZSLHyNz-nKJXsW-2ujkqTNk0Ju0JATf-MWPrAJ7SWuaQ9biFPivL7QmGg-dUqF0XzbWpnzryOL0ghw Ибица, Испания Studio By Ana Lui +34 646 90 24 45


  • Как вы попали в индустрию фотографии?

    The Studio was created by Ana Lui back in 2007 and we have been shooting ever since. Ana is a great teacher and she quality checks every single image that goes out of the studio. We are very proud to have such high standards and so much experience. With over 100 weddings photographed and all our couples happy we photograph a limited number of weddings per year to give each couple bespoke service and all our energy.

  • Что в вашей профессии вам нравится больше всего?

    We love meeting inspiring and amazing people, seeing new places and capturing the most unique moments for our clients. There is a sense of trust and fun that we love the most.

  • Каким вы видите будущее фотографии?

    We believe in timelessness, in creating images that would last forever and won't go out of fashion in 5 – 10 years. We believe simplicity, use of natural light and storytelling is the key to success.

  • Есть ли в фотографии своя мода?

    Currently there are two visible trends going. One with light, soft, feminine and romantic "fine art" feel. Mostly backlit and possibly shot on analogue film or edited to look like film. And another trend that is darker, moodier and more contrasty a lot of times exposed for highlights not for shadows. Both are simply amazing and it's a great way for each client to choose the style they are drawn to the most.

  • По каким критериям клиенты должны выбирать своего фотографа?

    In our opinion the bride and groom should be comfortable and feel at ease with their photographer. Trusting each other and being comfortable is the most important.

  • Что обычные люди упускают из виду, в то время как фотограф может увидеть?

    We are very visual so any bags lying around, trash, plastic bottles, cables and cords around the bride when getting ready, crooked tie, one piece of hair sticking out. We prefer fixing this before pressing the shutter. There is nothing worse than hair stuck to the brides face or twisted tie on every single photo, which couple would pick up on after getting the images back.

  • Чья работа больше всего повлияла на ваше становление как фотографа?

    For sure Ana Lui Photography, Jose Villa, KT Merry, Tec Petaja and Elizabeth Messina.

  • Что вы хотите донести до людей с помощью фотографии?

    We want our clients to have beautiful memories that convey the details, portraits of the family, guests and capture the atmosphere of the whole place. We want our couples to have photographs from the location too, from the island, from the place they love to remind them how they felt being there.

  • Самое лучшее в жизни — это:

    Chocolate, diving, CrossFit, food, good wine, sandy feet, cuddling dogs, jumping on a plane to go to exotic places, gardening