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Фотограф Malgožata Mozyro


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Вильнюс, Литва 

It's important to me to create something special and real during every single wedding - something that reflects you. I want you to stay natural - don't you have to play in front of my camera. The couples I have worked with appreciated the fact that that they were able to relax. For a good shot

4 года на MyWed
Владею языками: литовский, английский, польский, русский
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/yrj12w7JBeLqpczhEE5ZZGxoCILfKo5O8BunKLbPeQWsC_KbBEw3KG-xFgmUCxz_C3MlIkzyLu1b3Uhn35JF3Eji9ZXGQp9wtPxt Вильнюс, Литва Malgožata Mozyro +370 686 08604
Фотосъемка свадьбы: 8 000 RUB за час
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