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Фотограф Ed Mash


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Эксетер, Великобритания 

4 года на MyWed
Владею языками: английский
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/7MsjQiqtpL-MKGJKp8PLOLcW30uCMTp4gMDzROaOvjEksP8U3hQdziJWvXBcGOWkmuGAwUN7q48h_ArV_uDHnEbM0amn0XIJ1qrAK8g Эксетер, Великобритания Ed Mash +44 7958 510250


  • Самый волнующий нас вопрос – кто лучший фотограф в вашем городе? :)

    That's such a personal choice for clients. Here in Exeter there are different styles to choose, and different personalities. Clients should pick someone they're comfortable with on the BIG day

  • Вы фотогеничны?

    Photographers don't appear in many pictures do they....i find it hard to judge an image of myself! I keep getting invited back to parties so I cant be that bad :)

  • Как вы попали в индустрию фотографии?

    Initially I only photographed weddings of close friends, and people I knew, but by personal recommendation the demand has grown....so I made the leap!

  • Как вы считаете, какие самые важные составляющие хорошей фотографии?

    I think a great photograph has resonance, and shares something with the viewer. Personally if it makes me say 'WOW' or smile, or conveys an idea then it's attractive.

  • Любите путешествовать?

    YES. I've travelled a great deal.....every continent except Antarctica....and I still have a thirst for those unusual out of the way places.

  • Что в вашей профессии вам нравится больше всего?

    I love seeing the world through a lens, it brings me close to people, and the important events in their lives. It's a real privilege

  • Что в вашей профессии вам нравится меньше всего?

    Missing a special moment.....you can see the image in your mind, and you know you haven't got it...its very disappointing.

  • Каким вы видите будущее фотографии?

    Technology is changing cameras, in the future the processing power of the computer will be more integrated into the camera body, with better colour processing, and skin tone rendition.

  • Что делает жанр фотографии, в котором вы снимаете, особенным?

    I love wedding photography, everyone is dressed up, smiling, and determined to have a great time. The atmosphere is exciting and clients are always happy to engage with the camera.

  • Как вы относитесь к критике?

    ....I haven't received any so far from clients, but I did have a co worker who was brutally critical of everything I did. Its important to listen, be objective, and use it as a learning process.

  • Есть ли в фотографии своя мода?

    I think there is a tendency to use deep apertures, and sharpness as its an inherent part of the digital world. However I always appreciate a photographer who can skilfully handle a shallow aperture to tell the viewer exactly where to look (Sorry that was a technical answer!)

  • По каким критериям клиенты должны выбирать своего фотографа?

    Choose a style of photography that speaks to you personally and best encapsulates your values. Also go for the best budget you can afford...a good photographer will make memories you'll look back on for the rest of your life.

  • Чего нельзя допускать при съемке?

    Never force a situation...never make people feel uncomfortable, dress for the wedding and blend into the guests to capture those discreet moments.

  • Что обычные люди упускают из виду, в то время как фотограф может увидеть?

    I think unnoticed details is a fault in a wedding photographer, great photographers are masters of seeing, rather than just looking.

  • Что влияет на ценность фотографии? Из чего она складывается?

    A valuable photo is very much of its time. It's not a wedding photo but Frank Cappas photo "falling Soldier" taken during the Spanish civil war stopped me in my tracks. It's a painful subject but it has always fascinated and haunted me at the same time, you think of the victim, the photographer standing in a war with a camera, and the soldier who fired the bullet.

  • Кого бы вы назвали символом XXI века?

    There are so many.....Ghandi probably made the most significant difference to the largest amount of people, so numerically he's top of the list.

  • Кого бы вы хотели поснимать?

    No one springs to mind, but I'm confident I could draw out the best in anyone......so long as they wanted to work with me!

  • Есть ли у вас какие-то табу в работе?

    I don't believe you should step to far from reality in post production. IMHO over processed photo's don't stand the test of time.

  • С кем вы хотели бы поснимать?

    Working in a team, or with a partner can be immensely rewarding, I'm always happy working with talented people with ideas and enthusiasm.

  • О чем вы беспокоитесь и почему?

    Its a worry trying to cover the increasing cost of, cameras, lenses, hard disk storage, and computers. Most clients are unaware of this. For instance at the last wedding I photographed my equipment totalled 25K (that said Ive got the best kit in the world, and that's to be expected on the big day)

  • Расскажите о самом сильном впечатлении в своей жизни.

    The birth of my first son.

  • Каким персонажем из мультфильма, книги или кино вы были бы и почему?

    Great question! Put me down as Harry Potter, I like the glasses, and the wand would be very useful on shoots.

  • Кто вдохновляет вас и почему?

    I don't think there's one person, but I'm also a painter, and so art, paintings, and ideas, have always been a constant source of inspiration.

  • Как вы определяете успех? Можно ли его измерить?

    It's hard to quantify success but I have all the important things I need in my life already.

  • Что для вас важнее: любовь окружающих или уважение?

    I always strive for high end results so for me its more important to be liked for the person I am, and the body of my work. If people don't respect me there's not much I can do about it.

  • Расскажите о своей самой большой ошибке в работе.

    Missing THE shot!

  • Что вы берете с собой в путешествие и почему?

    When I was 23 a good friend gave me a copy of "Four Quartets" by T.S Eliot. Its slim and fits in every rucsac or camera bag. I only carry it when I'm travelling but its quixotic view of infinity constantly surprises me with its relevance in new locations.

  • Есть ли среди вашей техники что-то, чего покупать не следовало бы? Почему вы так считаете?

    I don't like phone calls when I'm working so I have to say the mobile phone....I know that's heretical these days!

  • Расскажите о своем самообучении: что вы делаете, чтобы снимать лучше?

    Research is a big part of expanding your skill set. I'm constantly looking to develop and expand through experimentation with the camera or computer, or both.

  • Чья работа больше всего повлияла на ваше становление как фотографа?

    I think I'm influenced by many images rather than one photographer in person.

  • Как вы считаете, что вам следовало бы знать в первую очередь, когда вы начинали фотографировать?

    More computer skills:)

  • Что вы хотите донести до людей с помощью фотографии?

    Intimacy and resonance are very important, but also a sense of place....images are like time capsules I want people to look back and feel connected with the images, again and again.

  • Что побуждает вас продолжать заниматься фотографией?

    There's always a sense of the perfect shot being around the next corner, something more special, more romantic, more FUN.....so I keep searching.

  • Следовало ли вашим родителям быть более (менее) строгими?

    My parents were very relaxed and open minded in their guidance....so I guess a tiny bit more strictness might have been a good thing?

  • Если бы можно было вернуться в прошлое, что бы вы сделали иначе?

    I'm a very positive person and I think reflection on the past can be self absorbing so I prefer to embrace the future.

  • Есть ли жизнь на других планетах?

    Definitely...sadly due to deep time its going to be very hard to find.

  • Кто для вас пример для подражания?

    I've mentioned Ghandi but I'd happily add Leonardo Da Vinci, Einstein, Marie Curie, Dickens, Tesla, Jane Austen.

  • Кого вы считаете недостойным уважения?

    The tiny minded despots who've sacrificed millions of lives in vain.

  • Чем вы занимаетесь в свободное время?

    Well the camera's always with me out walking, or at art galleries, meeting up with friends, and of course with my family. At home I love to cook, and my garden is a small oasis.

  • Какая часть вашей личности скрыта от окружающих?

    Its always good to keep your professional side towards the public, but if I'm honest I'm a bit shy so I keep that well hidden.

  • В каких случаях вы бываете полностью довольны своей работой?

    Tough question......i need to learn to stop tweaking.

  • Придаете ли вы значение традиционным ролям мужчин и женщин?

    I'm not really a traditional person, and having had a very liberal background I trust other people to make the choices that are best suited to them and their perception of gender.

  • Легко ли вы заводите друзей?

    Yes I make friends easily and I'm very lucky in the friends I have, I still have all my school friends:)

  • Где вы хотели бы жить?

    I live in Devon so I'm spoilt by beautiful coastline in every direction, and two very different national parks. This is a great base for getting the work life balance just right. I'm happy right here.

  • Расскажите о самой большой глупости, которую вы согласились сделать.

    So many things.

  • Есть ли жизнь после свадьбы?

    Personally speaking I'm divorced so YES :)

  • У вас есть любимая шутка? Поделитесь с нами!

    " I've gone on the Whisky Diet-I've lost four days already" Tommy Cooper

  • Вы любите собак? А кошек?


  • Что или кого вы очень не любите?

    The art of forgiveness means you don't have to hate anyone, it so unhealthy to carry that emotion around inside you.

  • Самое лучшее в жизни — это:


  • Самое неприятное в жизни — это:

    Climate change.

  • Есть ли что-то вокруг вас, что вы хотели бы изменить?

    Personally not much, but politics, world affairs, and the environment are concerns for me.... greater awareness and action by the majority would be a step in the right direction.

  • Что вы хотели бы изменить в себе?

    I feel its better to work with what you've got.

  • Что вы хотели бы изменить в мире?

    A greater sense of balance with the environment.

  • Что бы вы посоветовали начинающим фотографам?

    If you know where to point a camera, then its easy to learn the technical aspects as you progress. Until then trust your instincts, appreciate your own talent, and go and grab as much experience as you possibly can.

  • Если бы на Землю прилетели инопланетяне и вы оказались первым человеком, которого они встретили, что бы вы сказали им?

    Watch out for the others!

  • Если бы вам пришлось снимать фильм, в каком жанре он был бы?

    Science Fiction

  • Завтра я пойду и сделаю…

    Put the house in order and get organised.