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Фотограф Steve Wheller


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Бридженд, Великобритания 

9 лет на MyWed
Владею языками: английский
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/4-weww5FLIJwY3ddzpSLbG3J8ALKHAnOxiLcYYl1cwp6DgDV4gIwQj9bVPL1-y4Sxi25nchzSWKPhOdafWk_M6-wBuvngDkLQkup Бридженд, Великобритания Steve Wheller +44 7809 593220


  • Вы фотогеничны?

    I don't think so unless you catch me in a drunken moment :-)

  • Как вы попали в индустрию фотографии?

    I suppose a lot like everyone else. Started doing photography as a hobby, photographing the landscape around Wales and then covered a friends wedding and then the story begins.

  • Как вы считаете, какие самые важные составляющие хорошей фотографии?

    Capturing the moment as it happens. A good photo should evoke the emotion of what happened in the exact moment the shutter was pressed. It should tell a story and leave memories for the people in the photo

  • Любите путешествовать?

    I love travelling to different destinations and exploring the history, landscape and architecture and where possible use these in my photos to portray a story.

  • Что в вашей профессии вам нравится больше всего?

    Meeting new people all the time

  • Что в вашей профессии вам нравится меньше всего?

    The long days

  • Каким вы видите будущее фотографии?

    Who know's. Everyone's a photographer these days. I think technology is going to take over. I think wedding photography is not just about taking pictures is interacting with people on the day, making sure the day goes smoothly and capturing the day as the couple expect with a little spice thrown in. Everyone can take a picture but not everyone can evoke emotion.

  • Что делает жанр фотографии, в котором вы снимаете, особенным?

    It is one of chance to capture someone's day as it happens. Hopefully they only get married once and I am there to record their day. I think if the couple looks back at my photos and it brings a smile to their face then I have done my job.

  • Как вы относитесь к критике?

    I think quite well, initially it's a hit in the stomach but this drives me on to become a better photographer.

  • Есть ли в фотографии своя мода?

    Not sure

  • По каким критериям клиенты должны выбирать своего фотографа?

    That they like the photographs first, then meet the photographer to see if they gel. You need to get on with your photographer as you're with them all day. Make sure the style of photography reflects their personality and don't be afraid to ask questions.

  • Чего нельзя допускать при съемке?


  • Что обычные люди упускают из виду, в то время как фотограф может увидеть?

    I think you have to have the eye to see what is going to happen and when it's going to happen plus have the ability to react to the quick changes in light and weather. That's where experience comes in, you only have one chance you have to nail it there and then.