Ultima dată online acum 4 săptămâni

Fotograf Dorin Ciobanu


Ultima dată online acum 4 săptămâni

Lisabona, Portugalia 

For more than eight years, I am aiming to help people around the world picture their most beautiful memories. My goal is to make customers happy and make them recall their memories through captured moments as they were yesterday.

De 3 ani pe MyWed
Pot să vorbesc română, engleză, rusă
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/0ZYG5QEdA6CyKSi1X21KiyrqkECxhH5SWv1xgbpbsmm-wOl-7tFWdJxtF9mcdDC2rI5769ru2fKnQ9kvEPTBtlv8VyPY65hMvCy81Q Lisabona, Portugalia Dorin Ciobanu +31 6 16224285
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