Ultima dată online cu mult timp în urmă

Fotograf Nicu Chirobocea


Ultima dată online cu mult timp în urmă

Iași, România 

De 8 ani pe MyWed
Pot să vorbesc engleză, română
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/i17l5Mb_O8n_5nY0Hrn1Zv2q2AfUz_xXbhlGzc0VuuOmLqH9SCjQjyPoVV9J00V3nHSE3nqEXANO13kZkmPCQdixYkUnTPT8DxQHbA Iași, România Nicu Chirobocea +40 724 083 846


  • În primul rând, pe cine puteți numi cel mai bun fotograf în Iași, România? :)

    in ziua de astazi, nu exista cel mai bun.. in niciun domeniu!
    este subiectivitate intotdeauna iar noi, liber profesionisti, avem cercuri limitate de oameni cu care ne putem inconjura de aceea este bine sa evoluam si sa incercam sa ne implicam si sa ajutam pe cat posibil..

  • Sunteți fotogenic?

    da! dar si tu poti arata, daca te voi fotografia eu :)
    scrie-mi! si iti voi explica de ce cred asta..

  • Cum ați ajuns în industria fotografiei?

    I wanted to surround myself with people who love photography and help as much as i can
    I love to capture the unique moments in their lives

  • Care sunt cele mai importante componente ale unei fotografii bune, după părerea dvs?

    the primary key in a good photograph is communication
    like in every domain actually
    but taking a wonderful photo isnt only because i have an expensive camera or because we traveled to a remote incredible location
    the couple has to be familiar with me and I with them so they wont feel awkward

  • Vă place să călătoriți?

    DO I ? well, the main two things that I love in the world is photographing and travellingthis combination will give my life meaning

  • Ce vă place cel mai mult la profesia dvs?

    I am a ferme believer that if you will do something that you love, you will do it with pleasure and if you are also consistent, you will get THEREthere is a saying.. follow your passion and you won't have to work a day in your life...

  • Ce vă place cel mai puțin la profesia dvs?

    nowadays being a successful photographer means photographing only 20% and the rest will be at the desk, editing, taking care of my website, promoting my business etc
    so.. I guess it would be great if in the near future I could outsource some of the copy paste day to day desk jobs that I do

  • Ce este special la genul de fotografie în care sunteți specializat?

    mommente unice si foarte importante in viata oamenilor

  • Cum răspundeți criticilor?

    I thank those who criticize my work :)as photographers, we will mostly get appreciations and that is great (because there is a like button not a dislike one)
    but from a critique i can learn and grow

  • Care ar trebui să fie criteriile după care un client să aleagă un fotograf?

    because we live in a physical world, first we will use our eyes to see everything around us so a customer will first see my portfolio and afterwards if they like what they see they will contact me.besides the portfolio, I am a ferm believer that a good communication between the couple and the photographer is crucial

  • Ce detalii de obicei neobservate de alții pot fi observate de un fotograf?

    good photographer and artist will look at the light, color, reflections, details and so on
    and at a wedding there are crucial moments that must be captured
    photojournalism is crucial but at the same time you have to get in there and interact with the couple if you want something done

  • Ce influențează valoarea fotografiei? Care sunt elementele ei?

    the style and technique that is developed over the years
    but I think that you have to know how to talk to people to get them to fall in love with your work...

  • Pe cine doriți să fotografiați?

    i like to mix people in their natural state with travelling

  • Cum definiți succesul? Cum îl măsurați?

    succesul egal efort impartit la motivatie :)

  • V-ar plăcea să fiți mai degrabă plăcut sau respectat?

    I think that the usual answer people will give here is : to be RESPECTEDbut my answer will be exactly the opposite... the reason is that I'm not a CEO who needs to be respected by the others, I work with and for me, I am my own boss so if something won't work I will be to blameBUT I would very much like the people around me to like me (well, to like my pics) they don't have to respect me, they can criticize me because we, as artists (not to sound cocky) have different styles so we can't get everyone to like what we do.besides this, bad publicity is still publicity :)

  • Când plecați în călătorie, ce luați cu dvs. și de ce?

    I always carry a small camera with me, everywhere I go, besides my very reliable phone :)and when I travel I will most definitely grab 1-2 dSLRs and 3-4 lenses maybe one flashonly at events I will bring most of my equipment with me other than that I like to travel pretty light

  • Există vreun lucru pe care vă doriți să nu-l fi cumpărat dintre aparatele pe care le aveți? De ce?

    I can honestly say that I'm a technology geek and I have most of the equipment that exist nowadays although I know that at the end of the day the photographer will make the difference between a good and a bad picturephotography for me is not just a job, a hobby, it's my passion, it's the thing that makes me who I am

  • Cum vă pregătiți pentru a face fotografii mai bune?

    every day I look at what is new and what the people "want"I go to workshops and i constantly am trying to learn and evolve

  • Care este lucrul pe care vă doriți să-l fi știut când ați început să faceți fotografii?

    I wish I had photographed even more and experienced even moreI wish I had got in touch with even more people

  • Ce faceți în timpul liber?

    I photograph, I travel, I learndoes this mean that I have only free time or that I don't have time at all ?

  • Când sunteți complet mulțumit de munca dvs?

    satisfied ? what is that ?I am never satisfied.. maybe for the moment..I am a very critique person with myself and I try and learn new things every day and try to overcome my fears and my limits

  • Credeți în rolurile tradiționale ale femeii și bărbatului?

    this is a sensitive topic and a big one but my personal short answer is NOnot so long ago the female was seen as a inferior being (actually in some third countries she is still being seen like that)I am a ferm believer that basically, what a man can do, a woman can do too and vice versa..

  • Unde v-ar plăcea să trăiți?

    everywhere :)

  • Există viață după căsătorie?

    I am married for almost an year now and I can honestly say that nothing has changedwe both are happy with one and other and I don't think that a piece of paper will change that

  • Vă plac câinii sau pisicile?

    we now have a cat because we live in a flat, but when we will live at a house we will get also a dog (and a kid)

  • Pe cine sau ce urâți?

    life is too short for me to have time to hate something and someone

  • Ne puteți da câteva sugestii pentru fotografii începători?

    try to work with other photographers, try to photograph more, do projects, do things that you haven't done before

  • Dacă extratereștrii ar veni pe Pământ și ați fi prima persoana care s-ar întâlni cu ei, ce le-ați spune?

    "can we take a picture together ?"

  • Dacă ați fi solicitat să faceți un film, ce gen ar fi?

    adventure or drama ?

  • Mâine mă voi duce să fac...

    ... and shoot :)