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Fotograf Bogdan Chircan


Ultima dată online cu mult timp în urmă

București, România 

I am Bogdan Chircan and I like to suprise the perfection of the art photography. My passion is photography ! My photos describe the experiences and emotions about your story. I love how photography puts a smile on people’s faces.

De 3 ani pe MyWed
Pot să vorbesc română, engleză, spaniolă
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/3Rf13C1W8FGYWir_RYQJWrQaK772N-Dsl5NJ8WUl6DCL_Eqptn6MdmxSWg9SijgQ0BkBsaWIjJCaxreZGprI3pdd1ovodrKgRNPQYg București, România Bogdan Chircan +40 764 503 476
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