Widziano 2 tygodnie temu

Fotograf Graziano Guerini


Widziano 2 tygodnie temu

Wiedeń, Austria PRO

9 lat na MyWed
Znam włoski, niemiecki, angielski, węgierski, francuski
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/_HVsU-DlqNIYHNKD61m812BEd44cR8oN0_BF4CVcElyRPbOfSTg2BH9jQ4q1XhurJQsNC3aG2rj1Z8nORB2J0Lqw_hcrM-tryYpAPQ Wiedeń, Austria Graziano Guerini +39 366 121 7200


  • Czy jesteś fotogeniczny/fotogeniczna?

    mmm...I don't think so :D

  • Co sprawiło, że zajmujesz się fotografią?

    Probably in the same way of most of us: a friend asked me to shoot his wedding, then, since I had already a big passion about photography, after I saw that I enjoyed a lot to capture real moments, I decided to follow that path (step by step).

  • Jakie twoim zdaniem są najważniejsze czynniki decydujące o dobrym zdjęciu?

    I think there is not an exact answer, everyone likes a photo because of many reasons, also personal reasons given by personal taste.
    Personally, using of course a good technique, I aim to capture always the emotions, the real moments, that's what really matters in a perfect service in my opinion.
    And in the Creative Sessions I aim to create beautiful photos, so I take care of the esthetique by following my personal sense of taste, but always trying to give some emotions to the viewers.
    Also controlling lights and shadows is very important, often essential.

  • Kochasz podróże?

    Yes, I love to see new places and to change the wedding locations too :) shooting weddings in different countries, with different traditions, it's very interesting.
    But I travel also just for myself, obviously.

  • Co najbardziej lubisz w swoim zawodzie?

    What I said before, shooting weddings in different countries, with different traditions, it's very interesting, and we often work between Austria, Italy and Hungary, but not only.
    And this job allows me to meet new people, of course, and this is also a beautiful side of being a wedding photographer.
    And being able to give to these people memories they will be joyful to watch in the future, well, that makes me proud.

  • Co najmniej lubisz w swoim zawodzie?

    Maybe the marketing part, it's a ton of work which is hidden to the eyes of most of the clients, and to be honest is not so great and fun like shooting photos :) but that's part of this job too, and must be done.
    I also don't like the envy and malice that some photographers have of others colleagues, I think everyone should just think about giving his best, and caring only about to improve, continuously.

  • Jaka będzie przyszłość fotografii?

    I don't know.
    Let's see, let's work at our best, and let's be ready for all the developments in this profession :)

  • Co wyróżnia rodzaj fotografii, którym się zajmujesz?

    To me, being the direct witness of great emotions, and not only: I'm the one in charge to capture those moments, it's a big responsability, and a honour too.

  • Jak radzisz sobie z krytyk?

    It depends on how much competent is who criticize me :D jokes apart, I'm always studying, always trying new things, and always following photographers whose works I love, and I'm always ready to learn from them.
    There is always to learn something new, and there is always someone who can teach me something.
    So, I usually accept critics if well reasoned, or at least I reflect on them.

  • Czy w fotografii panują jakieś trendy?

    Trends are going and coming continuously, but beautiful photos always remain, forever, and that's what matters.
    I don't really care about trends, even if I take a look at them. But yes, definitely there are trends, like in about everything else.

  • Jakie kryteria powinien przyjąć klient przy wyborze fotografa?

    I always say to people: "look my portfolio, also the full works, and if you feel something when you are watching my photos, then I'm the photographer you are looking for".
    My photos will be the only memories of their best day, they must be absolutely sure that my style fits perfectly with their taste.

  • Co jest absolutnie niedozwolone podczas sesji?

    The photographer must not become the protagonist of the scene, and he/she must always remember that it's not his/her wedding, but the bride and groom's wedding.
    In few words, the photographer must not be intrusive.

  • Jakie zwykle niezauważane szczegóły może uchwycić fotograf?

    A lot of details.
    And as we know, details are what make the difference.

  • Co wpływa na wartość zdjęcia? Jakie są jego składowe?

    Again, details: the light, the composition, a natural smile, real tears, perfect moments, emotions.

  • Kogo chcesz fotografować?

    I don't have a specific answer, in every people there can be a cool subject.

  • Czy masz zawodowe tabu?

    In wedding photography probably not.

  • Z kim marzy ci się fotografować?

    There are so many great colleagues, that it's hard to choose just one name.
    Probably Ben Chrisman could be the name, and Daniele Vertelli too.

  • Co cię martwi i dlaczego?

    I'm quite skeptical about the global politics of the last years, I think the world is not going in a good direction.

  • Jaka była najwspanialsza chwila w twoim życiu?

    When I married my wife.

  • Kto inspiruje cię w życiu i dlaczego?

    No one, honestly I never had models and I never needed models.

  • Jaka jest twoja definicja sukcesu? Co jest jego miarą?

    About my job, a good measure is when many couples suggest me to other friends, it means I did my job as I wanted, perfectly :)

  • Wolisz, aby cię lubiano czy szanowano?

    First of all respected, then if I'm also liked...perfect :D

  • Jaki był twój największy bąłd zawodowy?

    Sometimes I'm so concentrated about the work, that I forget the grooms' names :D luckily there is always my wife next to me to remind me the names

  • Co zabierasz ze sob w podróż i dlaczego?

    A camera, to take photos of course :D
    And a list of good and trustworthy places where to eat...I'm italian :D

  • Czy masz jakiś gadżet, zakupu którego żałujesz? Dlaczego?

    Probably there are some things which are not essential, but I use everything, some things more often than others, but no "regrets".

  • Jak uczysz się robić lepsze zdjęcia?

    Mostly I follow the works of other colleagues whose style I love, and compare my works with theirs.
    Also the contests in the various wedding photography associations I'm member of are a good way to measure your level.
    But as a wedding photographer with a photojournalist approach, I follow also the works of the big names in photojournalism: McCurry, Koudelka, Salgado, Güler, Erwitt and so on...there is a lot to learn from them, that is very useful at weddings.

  • Czyje prace miały na ciebie największy wpływ jako na fotografa?

    Who made me discover the beauty of wedding photography, I mean, an artistic type of wedding photography, where emotions are mixed to creativity and both are perfectly in balance to each others, it was Ben Chrisman.
    When I saw his works for the first time, I was amazed (and I'm still nowadays, I always follow his new works), he showed me something I never saw before.
    Then of course everyone has to follow his path, and has to create an own style.

  • Czy jest coś, o czym warto byłoby wiedzieć, zaczynając karierę w fotografii?

    That there is so much "hidden work": marketing, emails, equipment cares and upgrades, etc...a lot of time for that :)

  • Co chcesz przekazać poprzez swoje fotografie?

    I want to show my point of view.
    I always do what I like. And I like emotions, so I like to capture the emotions, and to show those photos to my couples: it's always great to see their happiness when they see it.

  • Co motywuje cię do dalszej pracy w fotografii?

    The fact I can express my creativity, the fact that my work can make happy other people also after many years.

  • Uważasz, że twoi rodzice powinni byli być bardziej czy mniej surowi?

    They have been ok when I was small, even too gentle :)

  • Mając możliwość cofnąć się w czasie, co być zrobił/zrobiła inaczej?

    Maybe I would have started before with photography.
    But probably I wouldn't change nothing, there is always a reason why things happen in a specific way.

  • Co myślisz o życiu na innych planetach?

    Why not? The universe is so big, so there could be another similar planet between the other billions :)

  • Kto jest twoim bohaterem/bohaterką?

    As I said, no heroes.
    People I admire yes, but no heroes.

  • Do kogo nie żywisz szacunku?

    For ignorant people pretending to know and judge the things they clearly don't know nothing about, and inside the photography world for photographers that are taking care more to do "blablabla" and talking behind back of other colleagues casting in a bad light the colleagues' works rather than caring about to improve the quality of their own works.
    Unfortunately there are many doing so, especially on the social networks (but there are also great people too between my colleagues, thanks God! And I have to say that Mywed gave me the possibility to get in contact with many great colleagues and great people).
    But the correct word I would use is "I don't like", and not "I have no respect".

  • Co robisz w czasie wolnym?

    I love cooking, I go running, mountain biking, fishing.

  • Kiedy twoja praca w pełni cię zadowala?

    Probably I'm never completely satisfied, I'm quite critic with myself, so there is always something I would do to improve something later.

  • Czy wierzysz w tradycyjne role mężczyzny i kobiety?


  • Czy łatwo się zaprzyjaźniasz?

    I'm not so extroverse as not-italians usually expect from italians, but if I like a person I'm getting friendly quite soon :)

  • W jakim miejscu dobrze by ci się mieszkało?

    Now I'm not in Italy, the life took me somewhere else, but being close to it makes me feel ok :) I don't want to go far, Europe is good for me, especially the southern/central part :)

  • Czy istnieje życie po małżeństwie?

    It seems so :D

  • Wolisz psy czy koty?

    Yes, I think I have a special attraction on them, they become my friends almost instantly :)

  • W życiu najlepsze jest:

    Life itself.

  • W życiu najbardziej irytuje mnie:

    Annoying people and know-it-all people.

  • Czy jest wokół ciebie coś, co chcesz zmienić?

    Well, winning the lottery would be nice :D but jokes apart, no, around me everything it's ok as it is :)

  • Co chcesz zmienić w świecie?

    Is this Miss Universe contest? :D
    Do you know how many problems there are in the world? I should write an endless list.

  • Czy możesz udzielić kilka wskazówek początkującym fotografom?

    Watch, study and follow the works of the "big names".
    Learn the technique and the "rules". Then, when you have the technique, you must experience, break also the rules, try, try, and try new things.
    Never think that you "arrived", that you learned everything.
    Develop your style. Use your ideas. Be yourself. And do what you like.

  • Jeżeli na Ziemię przybędą kosmici, a ty będziesz pierwszą osobą, która ich spotka, co im powiesz?

    Probably they don't speak my language :D But I'm italian, just with my hands I can say everything :D

  • Jeśli poproszono by cię o nakręcenie filmu, jaki byłby to gatunek?

    A commedy, or an action movie.

  • Jutro pójdę i...

    ..."the same thing we do every night Pinky...try to take over the world" :DDD