Widziano miesiąc temu

Fotograf Emilio Navas


Widziano miesiąc temu

Hong Kong, Hongkong 

9 lat na MyWed
Znam hiszpański, angielski
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/Zzqjg8L5Pt4iJc_rU0mqceI5hcJeFpJDhyPBZzuzWMPGIaotQ47FbgJWYxB_AOvif9R0z0JndQ0as6DrWzPdYE3TdudI0IoohboIeK0 Hong Kong, Hongkong Emilio Navas +852 6606 3411


  • Czy jesteś fotogeniczny/fotogeniczna?

    Everybody could be depending of the photo.

  • Co sprawiło, że zajmujesz się fotografią?

    I like make photos since I was a kid. As I love travel I started to work as travel photographer. With the time I discover that more than the places I am good capturing the people there. I started to make social photography, family and fashion works. Finally I discovered in the wedding field the perfect balance to make my best of all the things learned during years.

  • Jakie twoim zdaniem są najważniejsze czynniki decydujące o dobrym zdjęciu?

    A lot of things counts but I suppose that the most important is the story behind the photo. Composition and perfect light is needed but the feeling is a must.

  • Kochasz podróże?

    Of course!! Our studio runs between Hong Kong and Spain but we are lucky to travel to many other incredible places because our job.

  • Co najbardziej lubisz w swoim zawodzie?

    Meet incredible people in one of the most important day of their life. Capture all the feeling of this moment and keep for the future have some magic.

  • Co najmniej lubisz w swoim zawodzie?

    I love my job in general but as we need to be to manage a lot of things not all are so cool. Finances, marketing and other backoffice tasks could be tedious sometimes.

  • Jaka będzie przyszłość fotografii?

    Wedding photography are changing and improving fast and this is good news. But I think that in other hand always will happen wonderful stories and someone will have the task to tell and capture this stories for the future.

  • Co wyróżnia rodzaj fotografii, którym się zajmujesz?

    As I told before, wedding photography talks about love and happiness. Is the most personal field of photography that I can imagine.

  • Jak radzisz sobie z krytyk?

    Usually I am very positive about this. Critiques must be a way to learn, grow up and be better photographer. Everybody wants to listen good things about their jobs and as artist sometimes we are a little bit sensitive with bad critics... :-p

  • Czy w fotografii panują jakieś trendy?

    Wedding photography have a huge amount of possibilities. There isn't just a trend. With the years I saw a lot of different tendencies. This changes also depending the country. Vintage style, only back and white pictures, Photojournalist...
    I try to have my own style and don't follow to much what other people do. As told before the important is tell the story. Is the only way to make pictures that never will be old fashion in the future.

  • Jakie kryteria powinien przyjąć klient przy wyborze fotografa?

    I understand that each one have a budget and this could be a key point to choose one or other photographer but in my opinion this will never be the main point.
    Each photographer have different vision so the first point must be choose the style you like after see several kinds.
    I think is important too at least have a call or better and interview with the photographer and check if you "connect" with him. The photographer will spend long time with you during your big day and as this is about feelings I think is important have good feeling with the photographer.

  • Co jest absolutnie niedozwolone podczas sesji?

    Everything is allowed!!! This is the funniest thing about wedding photography. This make each photography unique.

  • Jakie zwykle niezauważane szczegóły może uchwycić fotograf?

    First of all we have the experience and the technique needed after make thousand of wedding pictures. We are professional and we have the gear that an amateur will not have. And the most important of all the real wedding photographer as an artist have unique way to watch behind the lens and capture the things happen in his own way.

  • Co wpływa na wartość zdjęcia? Jakie są jego składowe?

    Feeling, composition, good light, good technique and something interesting to tell.

  • Jaka osoba może być twoim zdaniem uznana za symbol XXI wieku?

    Not sure...

  • Kogo chcesz fotografować?

    In general funny people that love photography.

  • Czy masz zawodowe tabu?

    No as far I know.

  • Z kim marzy ci się fotografować?

    With you! :-D

  • Co cię martwi i dlaczego?

    A lot of injustice in the world. We are a small world with a lot of problems. Is a shame that somethings still happen in the XXI century.

  • Jaka była najwspanialsza chwila w twoim życiu?

    Could sound too much sticky but the day that I saw the first time to my wife and I know that she will be the woman of my life.

  • Gdybyś był/była postaci z kreskówki, książki lub filmu, kto by to był?

    Wall-e :-p

  • Kto inspiruje cię w życiu i dlaczego?

    The small things that make life unique. I watch films all the time to grow up my inspiration.

  • Jaka jest twoja definicja sukcesu? Co jest jego miarą?

    Each people need to find the measure... To me, Happiness, healthy and with someone to love and be loved. Of course enough money to live and travel!

  • Wolisz, aby cię lubiano czy szanowano?

    I think both in the same way.

  • Jaki był twój największy bąłd zawodowy?

    At the beginning some technicals fails for sure. Long time ago I was too shy to do the things to make the photography that I had in my mind. This is a big mistake, shy can't be a stopper for creativity.

  • Co zabierasz ze sob w podróż i dlaczego?

    My camera, of course!!

  • Czy masz jakiś gadżet, zakupu którego żałujesz? Dlaczego?

    A lot of times!!
    You see a new lens, camera body or light that looks game changer. Run to try and then discover that less is more and the difference are not always in the gear but in the way to use.

  • Jak uczysz się robić lepsze zdjęcia?

    Watching a lot of films. Attending at least 3 or 4 workshops of other photographers that I like. The most useful is practice, practice and practice. Lets fly your imagination and try to innovate is a good way to improve and move your photography to the way you want.

  • Czyje prace miały na ciebie największy wpływ jako na fotografa?

    Several photographers. I learned more working with colleagues than checking their pictures. Say only one is not fair.

  • Czy jest coś, o czym warto byłoby wiedzieć, zaczynając karierę w fotografii?

    How to be less nervous and control the stress in the wedding day. At the beginning is difficult to do! Lucky that this changes fast when you have some experience.

  • Co chcesz przekazać poprzez swoje fotografie?

    Tell the story behind the image.

  • Co motywuje cię do dalszej pracy w fotografii?

    I love my work. Is artistic, give me the possibility to travel and meet great people.

  • Uważasz, że twoi rodzice powinni byli być bardziej czy mniej surowi?

    I am ok on the way the were. (And they are)

  • Mając możliwość cofnąć się w czasie, co być zrobił/zrobiła inaczej?

    Maybe a lot of small things but the wrong ones made me learn so I think I don't want to change anything.

  • Co myślisz o życiu na innych planetach?

    Are you serious? Strange interview... lol
    I suppose is possible but I don't think I will see in my life.

  • Kto jest twoim bohaterem/bohaterką?

    People that fight everyday to make a world better.

  • Do kogo nie żywisz szacunku?

    Liers and bad people. Usually respect people that don't respect me is not easy to me but I do my best.

  • Co robisz w czasie wolnym?


  • Jakiego aspektu twojej osobowości nie ujawniasz publicznie?

    I think I am very transparent. I don't hide big things.

  • Kiedy twoja praca w pełni cię zadowala?

    No. This is a long way with big space to improve with ache photography I take. I am very satisface when I check old works and I see how with hard work, patience and practice my photos are better.

  • Czy wierzysz w tradycyjne role mężczyzny i kobiety?

    What is this? :-p

  • Czy łatwo się zaprzyjaźniasz?

    I am friendly guy. Usually I haven't any problem to meet new people.

  • W jakim miejscu dobrze by ci się mieszkało?

    Living in Hong Kong but traveling a several times per year to Spain is a perfect mix to me. Discover new places is very important to me so travel is a must.

  • Jaki była najgłupsza rzecz, którą zgodziłeś/zgodziłaś się zrobić?

    About photography... perhaps be a detective and make secret pictures to a man because his wife contract me to do. this happened long time ago. Lucky that I don't need to get this time of jobs now.

  • Czy istnieje życie po małżeństwie?

    I will get married in a few months so I hope!!!
    I think a new and exciting life starts with the marriage. Be a team to make projects together. Sound cool.

  • Masz ulubiony żart? Opowiedz go.

    Maybe not appropriate to write here... :-D

  • Wolisz psy czy koty?

    Yes, Zoe, my cat is wonderful.

  • Kogo lub co nienawidzisz?

    Really nobody. I try to run away of this feeling that don't give to me anything good.

  • W życiu najlepsze jest:

    Discover new and nice things everyday. Kelly, my love and my family.

  • W życiu najbardziej irytuje mnie:

    Don't have time for all the things!

  • Czy jest wokół ciebie coś, co chcesz zmienić?

    A lot of small things.

  • Co chcesz zmienić w sobie?

    Nothing but improve in the good things.

  • Co chcesz zmienić w świecie?

    Is a topic, but I wish peace, freedom and food for everybody in the world.

  • Czy możesz udzielić kilka wskazówek początkującym fotografom?

    Work hard, be patience and practice all the time.

  • Jeżeli na Ziemię przybędą kosmici, a ty będziesz pierwszą osobą, która ich spotka, co im powiesz?

    Let me go with you! I am boring here alone!

  • Jeśli poproszono by cię o nakręcenie filmu, jaki byłby to gatunek?

    Noir cinema or a big super production.

  • Jutro pójdę i...

    I am in the middle of the wedding season so now I need to edit a lot of pictures.