Fotograf ślubny Sara Sganga (sarasganga). Zdjęcie z 27 listopada 2015
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thank you MArina, Zielona, Giuseppe, Simone :))
thank you Ryszard, Karolina, Daniel :)))
Beautifully done, Sara! Always refreshing seeing your works!
what a nice thought! thank you Nat, you made my day :)
Muchissima gracias Viviana :))
Really beautiful sense of perspective my friend !
Thank you my dear friend Cristian ;))
Thank you my dear friend Cristian ;))
One more beautiful than the other ! Happy birthday!
thanks for the very nice words Giu.. :)))
Muchas gracias Augustin :))
Thank you so much Beata :))
Bella, e belle geometrie

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110 mm
Nagrane 8 sierpnia 2015