Terakhir dilihat sebulan lepas

Jurufoto Lena Gedas


Terakhir dilihat sebulan lepas

Vilnius, Lithuania 

11 tahun di MyWed
Saya boleh bertutur dalam bahasa lithuania, inggeris, rusia
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/UUa6IfURIgTm-OEI7cklLqSBmKKcBUwvTyXCNWw1phCJdP0ia97NYo8rINHHGBzVzqJbpyHXGvmVnqjdsO04W3CmxaS3RTHSGQc4KA Vilnius, Lithuania Lena Gedas +370 603 30559


  • Adakah anda seorang yang fotogenik?

    Some time we are and sometimes we aren't :)

  • Bagaimanakah anda mula menceburkan diri dalam industri fotografi?

    Wedding was our first phorographic experience as commercial photographers. We tried. We hooked.

  • Apakah komponen paling penting sekeping foto yang bagus menurut pendapat anda?

    In order of importance: emotion, light, technical fulfilment.

  • Adakah anda minat mengembara?

    Sure we do! Lena loves west Europe, Gedas – wild and not so civilised places.

  • Apakah yang paling anda sukai mengenai kerjaya anda?

    Being with people at their most special day of their lifes, and being a part of their experience, and contributing to it.

  • Apakah yang paling anda tidak suka mengenai kerjaya anda?

    Forgetting the usual meaning of a word 'weekend' coud be one of those things, but it's not too bad at all :)

  • Apakah sepatutnya menjadi kriteria untuk seorang pelanggan memilih jurufoto?

    Pictures and personalities, not price. It's important not to forget, that you choose people, who will take part in your private life for a whole day, and it can be a delight or a torture...

  • Adakah anda ada sebarang tabu profesional?

    We don't take pictures of peole, having a meal.

  • Apakah yang ingin anda sampaikan melalui foto anda?

    We use our pictures as a storytelling tool. Telling a story which is good, natural, and full of raw emotions is our main goal.