Paskutinį kartą matytas prieš ilgą laiką

Fotografas Jean Jacques Fabien


Paskutinį kartą matytas prieš ilgą laiką

Kiurpipas, Mauricijus 

9 metai MyWed
Aš kalbu prancūzų, anglų Kiurpipas, Mauricijus Jean Jacques Fabien +230 5790 6760


  • Ar esate fotogeniškas?

    I would say half photogenic

  • Kaip jūs atsiradote fotografijos industrijoje?

    I was passionate about photography since I was young. It's after looking at some stunning Wedding pictures done by top photographers that I was inspired to follow the same route. The freedom of creativity is what I enjoy the most into Wedding Photography.

  • Jūsų nuomone, kokie yra svarbiausi geros nuotraukos komponentai?

    I would say the light first. the way a subject is lit will make the picture attractive or repulsive. Then comes the subject itself.

  • Ar mėgstate keliauti?

    I moderately love traveling. I drive a lot and do not enjoy traveling so much.

  • Kas šioje profesijoje Jums patinka labiausiai?

    Freedom of creativity, woaww effect from client when he looks at his pictures, satisfaction when I download and see nice shots, freedom to organize my time as I want, never a routine, always different, meet great people...

  • Kas šioje profesijoje Jums patinka mažiausiai?

    Sometimes very demanding which leaves me little space for family, having to recharge batteries every evenings, waiting for downloading pictures, sometimes chaining up days of shooting and having to drive long distances while being tired and sleepy.

  • Kokia bus fotografijos ateitis?

    Digital imaging has unleash creativity from photographers. I do not see it change when I see how people love pictures so much and love creative pictures. I sometimes fear that phones will replace proper cameras since it is already happening into the hotel industry nowadays. They less and less call upon professional photographers but rely on enthusiasts "instagrammers" to remain active on social networks and use phone pictures and vintage look to keep "in".

  • Kuo ypatingas fotografijos žanras, kuriame jūs specializuojatės?

    Freedom of creativity, magic moments, emotions and... clothes, special mood and atmosphere, being able to direct any kind of people from simple gentlemen and ladies to CEOs and Corporate directors to do whatever you want them to do, :-)

  • Kaip susitvarkote su kritika?

    It depends. I'm very committed into my job and I'm very generous in what I do (always deliver more photos than promise). I cannot do this job halfway. Therefore, I don't like people criticizing what I do since they don't know how much I give into what i do.

  • Ar fotografijoje egzistuoja tendencijos?

    More and more vintage type photos, more back-lit type of pictures and of course more and more drone photos.

  • Kokie turėtų būti kliento kriterijai, kad pasirinkti fotografą?

    Creativity, generosity, Easy contact to make the couple at ease, being able to handle crowds, people and situations to get great photos and reassure the couple.

  • Kokių dalykų turi būti vengiama fotografuojant?

    Getting distracted by people, girls, checking the phone at important moments, talk loud at official ceremonies... Totally prohibited to drink alcohol at a Wedding even if the couple proposes. Even after the duty, Never drink because We all have to go back home.

  • Kokias detales, kurios paprastai būna nepastebėtos, gali pastebėti fotografas?

    Expressions, angles, mood, reflections, drop shadows, interesting shapes and figures...

  • Kas įtakoja nuotraukos vertę? Kokie yra jos elementai?

    Light, emotions, the moment and sometimes Black and white can make a pictures stand out.

  • Koks žmogus Jūsų manymu galėtų būti 21 amžiaus simboliu?

    I don't know

  • Ką norite fotografuoti?

    Prince William and Kate, some famous models in bridal dress, dynamic couples...

  • Ar turite profesinių tabu?

    I never talk about religion or politics in a Wedding with anyone.

  • Su kuo norėtumėte kartu fotografuoti?

    Some iconic Wedding photographers but also with a very good friend of mine who is also a photographer but who is currently not living in the same country than I. We started photography together but life has driven us on different paths. I would love to be able to shoot with him.

  • Dėl ko nerimaujate ir kodėl?

    I'm worried about unexperienced newcomers who "steal" the work of genuine photographers, of this kind of "made in china" type of mentality which makes everything available at very low price and kills the value of genuine photographers (if you understand what I mean).

  • Kas yra įsimintiniausias dalykas nutikęs Jūsų gyvenime?

    Two times. When I had a great shooting session with a couple and downloading the pictures to see some iconic shots I took and see them appear on my screen and start to work them straight away. It's a great moment. Also when I deliver pictures to my clients and see there eyes sparkle when they look at the pictures and hear them say woawww.

  • Jeigu būtumėte animacinio filmo, knygos arba filmo veikėju, kuo norėtumėte būti ir kodėl?

    Definitely the Mentalist. This assurance to depict people, know what they think, being able in a very smart way find a solution to a problem, never panic, having a talent for repartee, not scared to say or do weird things to finally sort out an issue.

  • Kas ir kodėl Jus įkvepia gyvenime?

    God, Jesus, because I'm a believer and I strongly believe that God directs my path everyday. In many situations, I experienced "miracles". Sometimes in low season while the finances was very low, I had these unexpected calls from people I do not know and never met which hired me for a work and never saw them afterwards.

  • Kaip Jūs apibrėžtumėte sėkmės terminą? Kaip ją "matuojate"?

    I firmly believe that success is being confident and trusting in God who opens doors. In a more down to earth meaning is when you are wanted more and more by people of all social levels to do what you know the most.

  • Geriau būti mėgiamu ar gerbiamu?

    I would say liked.

  • Kokia yra didžiausia klaida kurią padarėte darbe?

    Forgot to recharge batteries, Forgot Lens and accessories on a site, distracted to a point of not shooting an important event during a wedding (generally because of being too tired), forgot cards at home, Forgot to put fuel in the car for a long drive...

  • Kuomet keliaujate, ką ir kodėl imate su savimi?

    I usually take all of my equipment because I do not want on site needing something and it's not there. I sometimes have to force myself to bring less equipment for practical reasons because I'm always bothered wanting to do something and not having the gears to do it.

  • Ar tarp turimų prietaisų yra tokių kurių geriau būtumėte nepirkę? Kodėl?

    I never regret anything I buy because they are always useful at a stage.

  • Kaip mokotės gauti kokybiškesnes nuotraukas?

    I look at what other people do in order to be inspired (like on mywed). I spend a lot of time watching tutorials on editing on the web. I also try several functions on my camera in order to shoot in a smarter way at different occasions. For instance I like to shoot with off camera flash (portable studio flash) but I also force myself to shoot without flash in order to be more efficient in some occasions and get a different feel, mood and style.

  • Kieno darbas jus kaip fotografą įtakojo labiausiai?

    Well all the works I see on popular Wedding Photographer Community such as mywed, fearless, best wedding photographers, etc... I do not have a specific preferred photographer but a lot of them.

  • Išskirkite vieną dalyką kurį būtumėte norėjęs žinoti prieš pradedant fotografo karjerą?

    How to edit photos properly (too much colors, contrast and effects), how to shoot with straight lines (straight horizon, walls, furnitures and angles)

  • Ką norite pasakyti savo nuotraukomis?

    I want to transmit emotions, beauty, woaowww, on my photos. I want my pictures impact someone who sees it.

  • Kas motyvuoja Jus toliau fotografuoti?

    Freedom of creativity and the hope to get a better pose, pictures, set, models, etc...

  • Jūsų tėvai turėjo būti labiau ar mažiau griežti?

    I'm happy the way they raised and the values they imparted me.

  • Jeigu galėtumėte grįžti į praeitį, ką darytumėte kitaip?

    My first quotations :-), the way I would tackle a project, more research for some type of photography. I learned a few things in pain and lost some projects when I started into photography because of my lack of experience.

  • Ką manote apie gyvybę kitose planetose?

    Do not think about it and I don't think there are any other form of life elsewhere. Anyway, even though there is, we will never know and never meet.

  • Kas yra jūsų herojai?

    People who give there lives away everyday for others, for animals, who can take a homeless person and take care of him, people who live for others and sacrifice their own comfort are real heroes for me.

  • Kam nejaučiate pagarbos?

    I do not respect arrogant people who think that the world belong to them or who do not have consideration to other human being who are socially lower.

  • Ką veikite laisvalaikiu?

    Music, walk in nature, watch the stars, camp, cook (i love cooking),

  • Kokia yra Jūsų pusė, kurios visuomenė niekada nemato?

    I don't know. Maybe my sensitivity to others.

  • Kada esate visiškai patenkinti savo darbu?

    When my clients are happy and congratulate me. This is the greatest satisfaction.

  • Ar tikite tradicinėmis vyrų ir moterų rolėmis?

    Yes I do. I actually believe that women are equally capable of doing what men do (I had 2 women managers when I use to work an office job and they were even better in what they were doing then a lot of men). However, i believe that A man cannot replace a Woman and vice versa. A father cannot be a mother and vice versa. When people try to invert this, it creates an imbalance in the family.

  • Ar lengvai randate draugų?

    Fairly yes. I'm usually easy going and get on well with people.

  • Kur norėtumėte gyventi?

    In a rainless area, by the beach, with a nice wood or forest nearby, in a comfortable home (not necessarily big). On the coast of Mauritius (I actually live on the high grounds of Mauritius)

  • Koks yra kvailiausias dalykas kūrį buvote padarę?

    I once agreed to do a walking virtual tour project not even know what it would cost me in time and money. I regretted afterwards not having done some tests before. It was actually a failure....

  • Ar gyveimas tęsiasi po vedybų?

    Yes of course there is an even better life after marriage.

  • Ar turite mėgstamą anekdotą? Papasakokite.

    I do not have anything that comes to my mind now. It really depends on the mood.

  • Labiau mėgstate šunis ar kates?

    I love dogs and cats. I have two dogs and one cat. I'm an animal lover.

  • Ko nekenčiate?

    I hate tensions, confrontations, Jealousy, tense situations, shouts, etc...

  • Geriausias dalykas gyvenime yra:

    To have faith, know God, be happy and have you family with you.

  • Labiausiai erzinantis dalykas gyvenime yra:

    Routine, an office work,

  • Ar yra kas nors aplink jus, ką norėtumėte pakeisti?

    I would have love the society to be more secured (no thieves, robbers, abuse an all kinds of pleas).

  • Ką norėtmėte pakeisti savyje?

    I would like to be more generous and committed to others. Do good to others, not afraid to take actions to help the helpless.

  • Ką norėtumėte pakeisti pasaulyje?

    I would like the world to have faith in God

  • Ar galite duoti keletą patarimų tik pradedantiems fotografams?

    Know your gears, develop your personality in order to make the couple at ease and secure, Be always concentrated in your job, be attentive to details.

  • Jei į žemę atvyktų ateiviai ir jūs būtumėte pirmas jų sutiktas žmogus, ką jiems pasakytumėte?

    Go back to where you are. We have enough issues here to add another major one...

  • Jei filmuotumėtė filmą, koks būtų jo žanras?

    Epic and adventure.

  • Rytoj aš eisiu ir darysiu...

    A photoshooting in a hotel which was booked 2 months ago. A couple from Europe for their Honeymoon.