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Fotografo Thomas Tufano


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Napoli, Italia 

Second generation of wedding photographer based in Naples,around the world...Every photo is an emotion. My website: www.videotimetommasotufano.it

Da 11 mesi su MyWed
Parlo inglese, italiano
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/3IweftF20LBAVEdSBi63QZiQi0tMjm9yfpyP0UMg6Kwdvy8q_RTrMu9bJBfBROTZGJXCcl9ItvjbxpRCfk79npeqtOShnadln2gmDw Napoli, Italia Thomas Tufano +39 329 072 8120
Servizio di matrimonio: 300 EUR l'ora
minimo 6 ore