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Fotografo Josh Jones


Ultimo accesso molto tempo fa

Greenville, Stati Uniti PRO

Da 9 anni su MyWed
Parlo inglese
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/M5eXq2iwgdrgu1rNjdZmVu8_BXk6hkfeuapaqYX-JfmX0W3l1H0yVwJLTB3gwh-Y_VZ9gMjaDwTFkOxcv4zc6AjjccNPnRam6mHX Greenville, Stati Uniti Josh Jones +1 864-477-9171


  • Sei fotogenico?

    Sometimes... If I've gotten enough sleep and have a glass of wine or two

  • Come sei entrato nell'industria della fotografia?

    In 2004 I got a digital camera for Christmas, back when digital cameras weren't attached to every device. I was facinated with how you could freeze time, and then view the past later. I couldn't set it down. A few years later I shot my first wedding, fell in love with it and 10 years later have shot over 200.

  • Secondo te, quali sono le componenti più importanti di una bella foto?

    A moment. For sure. If it doesn't have this it's not worth remembering. After that, certainly lighting and composition go a long way.

  • Ti piace viaggiare?

    Absolutely. We have traveled all over the world taking photos!

  • Che cosa ti piace di più nella tua professione?

    I love that every weekend I get to be a huge part of someone's "most important day of their life."

  • Che cosa ti piace di meno nella tua professione?

    Crazy church ladies that force me to shoot from 100 feet away in the balcony during the ceremony.

  • Quale sarà il futuro della fotografia?

    More and more instant gratification. A one month turn around average for a wedding will turn into a day.

  • Cosa c'è di speciale nel genere di fotografia in cui sei specializzato?

    The father of the bride that has never cried in public before. The look on the groom's face when he sees his bride for the first time. The uncle that doesn't normally drink is dancing up a storm on the dance floor.

  • Come gestisci la critica?

    I love it. As long as it is constructive it is one of the biggest gifts you can give to me.

  • Ci sono determinate tendenze nella fotografia?

    Always are. Always will be. I think the washed out vintage look is certainly "in style" right now, and I can't wait for it to go away.

  • Che cosa ti fa preoccupare e perché?

    I've found that the energy I've wasted in the past on worrying about things was better spent on just doing what I was supposed anyway. No regrets. No fear.

  • Preferiresti essere amato o rispettato?


  • Che formazione professionale segui per fare fotografie migliori?

    Getting out there and shooting. Practice. Practice. Practice. And never stop trying new things.

  • Il lavoro di chi ha avuto la maggiore influenza su di te come fotografo?

    Susan Stripling.

  • Che cosa fai nel tuo tempo libero?

    I make wine. My wife and I own a small winery and vineyard here in Greenville, SC and love everything from the vines, to the land, to the people that come into our tasting room.

  • Quando ti senti completamente soddisfatto dal tuo lavoro?


  • Dove ti piacerebbe vivere?

    Greenville, SC. It is the best place in the world for me and my wife. If it wasn't, I would move. Life is too short to live in a place that isn't best for you and your family!