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Fotografo Serena Faraldo


Ultimo accesso molto tempo fa

Napoli, Italia 

Da 9 anni su MyWed
Parlo italiano, inglese
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/ctX-dy05BF_qe-7gYmtaiV-Vr5RvZIURUT6PP7iNPu0KgiYHOk2sL9YX_-QRTDNrdXefEVVsg5owV0FU-eJ2rNkx9dA8QIZfv_R7Fm0 Napoli, Italia Serena Faraldo +39 338 436 8688


  • Prima di tutto - chi puoi definire come il miglior fotografo di Napoli, Italia? :)

    There are a lot of amazing photographers in Naples. Some of them I'm lucky enough to call them friend and colleagues.
    But I will not make any name; someone could get offended if it's not mentioned in my "Fave List" ehehe ;)

  • Sei fotogenico?

    I look exactly like I am :)

  • Come sei entrato nell'industria della fotografia?

    I started because I needed a job to pay my university fees and books meanwhile I was studing photography at the fine art academy.
    I thought to find a job that could both allow me to make some money and make some experience. Back then I was all about reportage and documentary photography. So when I found a job as assistant and graphic in a wedding studio I discovered a new world; I immediately fall in love with wedding photography. All started from there...

  • Secondo te, quali sono le componenti più importanti di una bella foto?

    If it tells a story than it's a good photo for me.
    If it makes it in the most honest way possible, than it's a great photo.
    If it makes me want to look it again and again than it's amazing.
    If it makes all of that and also makes me want to grab my camera and take photos.. that it's the perfection!

  • Ti piace viaggiare?

    Yes I do. I wish I could do more for me. And I wish I could more and more also for weddings.

  • Che cosa ti piace di più nella tua professione?

    A lot of stuff! But if I have to choose just a couple I'll say that I love that my photos will remain to tell the stories of the people that are in the photos, after me and after them. Stories that, otherwise, would be forgotten.
    And I love the fact that the camera takes me to places that are unusual for me, makes me meet a lot of amazing people, makes me experience the joy of so many days of happiness.

  • Che cosa ti piace di meno nella tua professione?

    Yes, of course. This job it's not all sunshine and rainbows.
    If I have to choose I'll say that I hate when someone do not respect this as a profession. When people think that to take a picture you just have to do "click" and nothing else.
    I also hate when someone thinks I'm not the main photographer but my assistant's assistant just because I'm a girl and he's a guy. (happens sometimes. the society where I live is sometimes sexist)

  • Quale sarà il futuro della fotografia?

    I don't know... maybe one day we will be able to take professional photos with just blinking our eyes..

  • Cosa c'è di speciale nel genere di fotografia in cui sei specializzato?

    I think that it is more "versatile" and complete.
    It can have as much value for the single client as well as for the society.
    It's a memory for someone.
    It's also a journey in the era in which it is taken, it tells the habits and traditions of a people.
    It's a cultural lesson; it tells you the cultural differences of a ritual in different places in the world.
    It can be art. It can be a documentary. It can be a source of great emotions. It's a kind of photography that fits perfect in a private album as well as in a museum or a book.

  • Come gestisci la critica?

    If the criticism it's productive and not destructive than it's totally fine for me. It's a good way to improve.

  • Ci sono determinate tendenze nella fotografia?

    Yes, as has always has been.

  • Quali criteri dovrebbe utilizzare un cliente per scegliere un fotografo?

    Good quality Photography (photography that they really like).

  • Che cosa non è ammesso durante la ripresa fotografica?

    Surely the intrusiveness or rudeness.
    Beside that ... I do not think that there are specific rules and that these changes from time to time.
    I think that if you respect the people you are photographing and they respects you, if you have established a good dialogue with them ... then nothing can go wrong.

  • Quali dettagli, che solitamente passano inosservati, riesce a notare un fotografo?

    The narrative vision of everything that happens. And tons of (sometimes hidden) details.

  • Che cosa influisce sul valore di una foto? Quali sono le sue componenti?

    Look at answer at question number 4 :)

  • Chi vorresti fotografare?

    I'd love to take more pictures of my family. But I don't have the chance to see all of them often. (so I'd like to spend more time with them.)

  • Che cosa ti fa preoccupare e perché?

    On a personal level I'm scared about losing people I love. Or to get hurt so much to change from who I am.On a global level I'm very worried that we are destroying our planet. We are destroying animal species, ecosistems that exists from centuries just for consumism. Also about terrorism. That is something that really frightens me.
    And last about all this social media that I think it's totally out from our control right now. I feel like this is controlling our lives, like in black mirror.

  • Qual è stato il momento più impressionante della tua vita?

    I'm grateful of every day spent on this earth.
    Also I hope that "The best is yet to come" as someone says

  • Se tu fossi un personaggio di cartone animato, libro o film, chi saresti e perché?

    Funny because people always says that I am like a living cartoon :) So I guess I should answer to that question ...myself :-D ehehBut well...I could happily live in the lord of rings's middle earth, go to Hogwarts school every day (and I'll be a griffyndor, no doubt), make my holiday in the "fantasia" Disney's movie, traveling one place to another with the howl castle (or also with house attached to houndreds of balloons like in the "up" pixar movie). And I would like to manage all the hokuto moves and techniques.

  • Chi ti ispira nella vita e perché?

    Women astronauts and Oriana Fallaci (the first Italian war journalist reporter, also my favorite writer)

  • Come puoi definire il successo? Come si misura?

    Success is when you are satisfied with what you do and you are proud of yourself. When you would continue to do it happily for the rest of your life.

  • Preferiresti essere amato o rispettato?

    Respected. No doubt on that.

  • Qual è stato il più grande errore che hai commesso nel lavoro?

    At the beginning of my career the biggest mistake I did a couple of times was trust too much some clients and to deliver to them photos without before ask for the payment. I was young and naive back than.

  • Preparandoti per partire, che cosa metteresti in valigia e perché?

    A picture of my dog... just in case of home sickness :)

  • Tra i gadget che possiedi, c'è qualcosa che vorresti non aver comprato? Perché?

    I regret having bought a shoddy "underwater" cover for my phone once. (bye bye phone you'll be never forgotten).
    Also I regret every single pair of heeled shoes I bought, because I bought them knowing that they are the most uncomfortable and less practical thing that humanity could ever invent and that I would wore just a couple of times in my life.

  • Che formazione professionale segui per fare fotografie migliori?

    I always invest in my training.
    Also I spend hours Looking at other photograopher's photos. Especially the ones that I consider better than me.I also improve myself Watching movies or tv series. Reading books. Going to art exhibitions. Drawing. Learning everyday something new (not necessarily related to the photography). Listening to music. Observe life around me.
    All of that, in my opinion, makes me a better photographer. A photographer it's not only what he studied or where he worked. It's every single experience that he lived.

  • Il lavoro di chi ha avuto la maggiore influenza su di te come fotografo?

    A lot of photographer but also movie directors, painters and artists in general.
    As I just said; if you want to be a good photographer you don't ha to stick only at photography. You have to improve you 360 degrees vision.

  • Che cosa vuoi dire con le tue fotografie?

    I strongly believe that the "key message" it's of who look at the picture. I don't want to suggest anything at all. I just want to tell stories.

  • Qual è la tua motivazione per continuare a scattare fotografie?

    Because I love doing this. If I don't do that I feel like my life like missing something too important.

  • Pensi che i tuoi genitori avrebbero dovuto essere più o meno severi?

    I've grown up without my father and my mom was distant...so I wish my parents was a little bit more present.

  • Se potessi tornare nel passato, che cosa faresti in modo diverso?

    I would have done more sport when I was teenager and less couch :-D
    And also I would tried to be a less insecure teenager back than.

  • Che cosa pensi della vita su altri pianeti?

    Yes! (no doubt at all)

  • Che cosa fai nel tuo tempo libero?

    Drawing. Listening music. Cuddling my dog. Movies. Hanging out with friends. Sometimes make trips or escursions. Play D&D. reading a book

  • Quando ti senti completamente soddisfatto dal tuo lavoro?

    I'll say NEVER. I always want more from myself!

  • Credi nei ruoli tradizionali di donne e uomini?


  • Fai facilmente amicizia?

    It depends from the other person. If I feel en empathy, than yes. If I don't.. I kinda build a wall around me.

  • Dove ti piacerebbe vivere?

    I'd like to live somewhere where it's always spring all the year, people are nice and friendly, there is nature and and there is at least one good pizzeria.

  • Ti piacciono i cani o i gatti?

    Dogs <3

  • La cosa migliore nella vita è:

    The Light.

  • La cosa più fastidiosa nella vita è:

    Waking up early :-D (especially in winter time)

  • Che cosa vorresti cambiare nel mondo?

    I wish people were sometimes more empathetic. I think that if everyone puts themselves in the shoes of others, 90% of the problems of humanity will disappear in a second.

  • Puoi dare alcuni consigli ai fotografi alle prime armi?

    Don't give up. It's a long path but eventually you will succeed.
    (and never forget to have breakfast before on a wedding day!)

  • Se gli alieni dovessero arrivare sulla Terra e tu fossi la prima persona ad incontrarli, che cosa diresti?

    Finally you came to pick me and bring me back home! I was waiting for a lifetime :-D

  • Se dovessi essere invitato a girare un film, di che genere sarebbe?

    One like "Big fish" or "Amelie" but also "inception" or "interstellar"

  • Domani vado a fare...

    Since it's almost 2 a.m now and Tomorrow it's Sunday...I think I'll have a nice sleep, until late!