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Fotografer Kinga Leftska


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Venesia, Italia 

6 tahun di MyWed
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https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/BnbDYSX_MK4HdSpUL_o9vcMSrBdBoP4rgn_xcWZ123Ld_4qiI2PS1bZc6MNvnO2-cEM_Zwx2yPsFGVbkDqL511u82pUnm2njeeaRfw Venesia, Italia Kinga Leftska +39 347 809 6333


  • Pertama-tama – menurut Anda, siapa fotografer terbaik di Venesia, Italia? :)

    Can't tell... When there's many photographers in Venice there's only few good storytellers! I'm sure you'll find a right one – one who sees with a hear not just with a camera:)

  • Anda fotogenik?

    Am I? 0.0

  • Bagaimana awal Anda masuk ke bidang fotografi?

    Ages ago when I was already into couples shoots one of my friends trusted me and asked me if I wanted to photograph their destination wedding. That's how it all started! I fell in love with white dresses and beautiful bouquets and right after my friends' wedding an avalanche of wedding requests started.

  • Apa komponen terpenting dari foto yang baik menurut Anda?

    Candid moments. No posing. I hate posing! And light. Light is always important.

  • Anda suka bepergian?

    I love travelling, I'm a freelance photographer not only for the sake of photography but also for the sake of travelling. I spend few months a year with my backpack!

  • Apa yang paling Anda suka tentang profesi Anda?

    FREEDOM! And the possibility of meeting cool new people from all over the world all the time.

  • Apa yang paling tidak Anda suka tentang profesi Anda?

    I hate it when someone tells me he booked another photographer who was cheaper even though he didn't like his work as much as mine. Why would you hire anyone at all then? Isn't it a complete waste of money in such case? My myself, I either hire someone whose work I'm totally in love with or I don't hire anyone at all.

  • Bagaimana masa depan fotografi?

    I hope it's not iPhone wedding photography eeek!

  • Apa yang istimewa dengan genre fotografi kekhususan Anda?

    Candid moments. It really happens hardly ever that the couple is playing someone else as soon as they see the camera nearby.

  • Bagaimana Anda menangani kritik?

    Can't remember anyone criticising my work haha! Hope it stays that way :) And when it comes to general criticism – I think i'm surrounded by good people rather than critics.

  • Adakah tren dalam fotografi?

    There's been, there are and there will be trends. In photography and in any other field.

  • Apa yang seharusnya menjadi kriteria bagi pelanggan dalam memilih fotografer?

    Only THE STYLE. Not the budget. You don't want to cry over your wedding photos.

  • Hal-hal apa yang harus dihindari saat pemotretan?

    Lack of connection between the couple and the photographer!

  • Detail apa yang umumnya lewat tanpa disadari yang tertangkap oleh fotografer?

    Covering wedding photographers' cameras with your iPhone? We want to capture the first kiss, not a bunch of phones in the air.

  • Apa yang memengaruhi nilai sebuah foto? Apa saja elemen-elemennya?

    True moments, true smiles, real laughs, honest tears and natural light.

  • Siapa yang dapat menjadi simbol abad ke-21 menurut pendapat Anda?

    Any person. We are all the creators of the 21st century.

  • Siapa yang ingin Anda jepret?

    Honest people who trust me and my skills.

  • Anda memiliki tabu profesi tertentu?

    I don't

  • Dengan siapa Anda ingin menjepret?

    There's only a few world class photographers I'd like to work with.

  • Apa yang Anda khawatirkan, dan mengapa?

    I worry my life is to short to see each and every piece of the world

  • Apa momen paling mengesankan dalam hidup Anda?

    My partner asking me to marry him! (While getting this captured by our favourite photographer in the world:))

  • Jika Anda karakter kartun, buku, atau film, siapakah Anda dan mengapa?

    I'd be King Julian because I can improvise his voice and be as silly as he is just to make other laugh ;) He also wears cool crowns doesn't he?! haha ;)

  • Siapa yang menginspirasi Anda dalam hidup dan mengapa?

    My man. He's just the best and whatever goes wrong he can always make me feel better.

  • Bagaimana Anda mendefinisikan kesuksesan? Bagaimana Anda mengukurnya?

    Everyone masures success with his own measure. For me it's doing what I love, loving and being loved and travelling as often as possible.

  • Anda lebih senang disukai atau dihormati?

    I'd rather be respected. You can't be liked by everyone. No one is.

  • Apa kesalahan terbesar yang pernah Anda lakukan di tempat kerja?

    Can't recall any.

  • Saat Anda akan bepergian, apa saja barang yang Anda bawa dan mengapa?

    My camera! Because I wouldn't remember everything so well.

  • Di antara gadget yang Anda miliki, adakah yang Anda harap tidak pernah Anda beli? Mengapa?

    I think I like and use all the gadgets that I've ever brought.

  • Bagaimana Anda mengajari diri sendiri untuk mengambil gambar yang lebih baik?

    I take part in world class workshops with my favourite photographers in Europe, North and South America.

  • Karya siapa yang paling memengaruhi Anda sebagai fotografer?

    Rafal Bojar, Luka Mario, Fer Juaristi, Sebastian Nandryka. They do more of an art rather than just clicks. They open people to get the true selves out of them.

  • Apakah satu hal yang Anda harap Anda tahu saat mulai mengambil foto?

    Can't remember.

  • Apa yang ingin Anda katakan dengan foto-foto Anda?

    I want to say that true love still exists

  • Apa yang memotivasi Anda untuk terus mengambil gambar?

    People! My couples! The happiness that they share!

  • Apakah orang tua Anda seharusnya lebih atau tidak terlalu ketat?


  • Jika Anda dapat kembali ke masa lalu, apa yang akan Anda lakukan secara berbeda?


  • Bagaimana tentang kehidupan di planet lain?

    Can't wait to meet them

  • Siapa saja pahlawan Anda?

    My parents

  • Siapa yang tidak Anda hormati?

    Who did create this inteview???

  • Apa yang Anda lakukan di waktu luang?

    I travel or read books or do yoga or go for a walk or meet my friends or watch movies or cook or.. or.. or... There's always something cool to do!

  • Sisi diri Anda manakah yang tidak pernah dilihat orang?

    I try to be honest. Always. Not sure there's anything I hide

  • Kapan Anda merasa benar-benar puas dengan pekerjaan Anda?

    Hardly ever – even when my clients shred tears of joy when receiving the final images. I always think something could be done better. It's just about being ambitious when it comes to photography I guess?:)

  • Anda percaya akan peran tradisional untuk pria dan wanita?

    I don't get the question. I guess I don't

  • Anda mudah menjalin pertemanan?

    that's what people say!

  • Di mana Anda ingin tinggal?

    I love Italy for now. Feels like I'm on holiday all the time haha

  • Hal terbodoh apa yang pernah Anda setujui untuk dilakukan?

    I agreed to many stupid things just for fun :P

  • Adakah kehidupan setelah pernikahan?

    Yes. You reincarnate on your wedding day o.0
    Who created this interview??:D

  • Anda punya lelucon favorit? Beri tahu kami.


  • Anda suka anjing atau kucing?

    I'm allergic to both...

  • Siapa atau apa yang Anda benci?

    I hate heavy make-up

  • Hal terbaik dalam hidup itu:


  • Hal paling menjengkelkan dalam hidup adalah:

    Lack of freedom

  • Adakah hal di lingkungan sekitar yang ingin Anda ubah?

    I'd like wars to stop existing

  • Apa yang ingin Anda ubah dalam diri sendiri?

    I'd like to read more

  • Apa yang ingin Anda ubah di dunia ini?

    I'd like to convert all the religions into one religion of love

  • Dapatkah Anda memberi kiat untuk fotografer yang baru saja memulai karier?

    Do not copy anyone, just keep taking pictures and find your own style

  • Jika alien mendatangi Bumi dan Andalah orang pertama yang mereka temui, apa yang akan Anda katakan pada mereka?

    Hi Aliens

  • Jika Anda dipanggil untuk mengambil gambar film, apakah genrenya?

    A comedy

  • Besok saya akan pergi...

    Tomorrow I've got two photoshoots and I can't wait to meet my new friends!