3 hete járt itt

Ruud Claessen fotós


3 hete járt itt

Maastricht, Hollandia 

9 évvel a MyWeden
Beszélem a következő nyelveket: angol, holland
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/LgT_kle2WcO0I-45dg0fi_3hP33tE7EoblEzGIRVkvXU45iiakYa22DvXv3d6XngWPsJwBWdfmBPoFu1i4GvebcuCXl55LIAMSeY_8o Maastricht, Hollandia Ruud Claessen +31 6 27447775


  • Ön fotogén?

    No! I much rather be behind a camera.

  • Hogyan csöppent a fényképezés világába?

    In 2008, I was already doing amateur photography for a couple of year. To do something different for a change, I asked my uncle if I could photograph his wedding. It was his second marriage, they were not asking for a photographer, so there was little risk. I ended up liking it so much, that I decided to do it more.

  • Véleménye szerint mik egy jó fotó legfontosabb elemei?

    Above all, the photo has to have a certain impact. Wether that's an intense emotion, a good vibe, or just a spectaculair visual impact. After that comes the technical part. So a good lighting, composition, etcetera. But for me, the impact is the most important part, by far.

  • Szeret utazni?

    Yes, but with moderation though. I'd love to do 3-5 destination weddings a year. I don't think I'd enjoy doing 10, 15 or even more.

  • Mi szeret szakmájában a legjobban?

    It sounds like a horrible cliché, but it's true: Every wedding is different. You never really know what's going to happen. Surprises can happen at every moment. Besides that, I think it's a great honor to be asked to create lifelong memories for the people that are getting married. 5, 10, 25 or even 50 years after they get married, people still remember who took their wedding photos. It's pretty wonderful that you can be an important part in people's lives.

  • Mi szeret szakmájában a legkevésbé?

    Basically: The postprocessing. I have a horrible concentration when it comes to editing. I love editing my 50-75 favorites from a wedding, but after that, it gets hard for me to keep focused.

  • Milyen lesz a fotózás jövője?

    I think the future of wedding photography will be a further evolution of the direction it's going in right now. More journalistic stuff, more moments. But besides that: technical advances. Faster camera's, better low light capabilities, and other accessories like drones, light field cameras, and stuff like that, giving photographers even more tools to being creative.

  • Mi a különleges abban a fotózási műfajban, amelyik az Ön szakterülete?

    I love many aspects of it. I love the fact that people are in a good mood, they take the time to look good as well. People get married in beautiful venues, and you as a photographer gets to be a part of so many people's special day. That's amazing.

  • Hogyan bírja a kritikát?

    I try to extract what people really mean with their comments. Some people have difficulties in finding the right words to give feedback, sometimes making them sound rude. But I always try to figure out what's the real message there.

  • Észlelhetők tendenciák a fotózásban?

    All the time. But me personally, I try to not let trend be the main thing in my photography. Trends are a nice touch, but I want my photography to be timeless.

  • Mi alapján kellene kiválasztaniuk az ügyfeleknek a fotóst?

    1) Do you like the photographer's work? 2) Do you like the photographer? Simple as that.

  • Mi az, ami a fényképezés során teljességgel megengedhetetlen?

    'Allowed' is a big word. I'm not the one to say what's allowed or not. However, I don't like to unnecessarily intervene in a wedding. With the exception of the posed shots, I don't like having to tell people what to do, where to stand or how to look.

  • Milyen általában észrevétlen részletek ragadhatják meg egy fotós figyelmét?

    A good wedding photographer can see beauty in many things, and has a better eye for good light, and good compositions. And also: a photographer is aware of what's going on and can respond quickly when something happens.

  • Mitől válik értékessé egy fotó? Mik az elemei?

    Not only is beauty in the eye of the beholder, but the same thing is true for value. A photograph that might not seem like much to a photographer or ti someone who wasn't there, can be the couple's favorite for many reasons. Never make assumptions.

  • Véleménye szerint ki lehetne a 21. század szimbóluma?

    I can't look into the future. Sorry ;-)

  • Mit kíván megörökíteni?

    Kind, fun and creative people that I have a great chemistry with.

  • Van valamilyen szakmai tabuja?

    Not really. Except for stuff that's prohibited by law, off course.

  • Kivel szeretne lefényképezkedni?

    Too many to mention.

  • Mi aggasztja és miért?

    Sometimes I worry about the future. What will happen if I don't get any more bookings? But I think that every professional thinks that way every now and then. On the other side, it helps me improve and stay on my toes.

  • Mi élete legnagyszerűbb mozzanata?

    I can't name just a single one. There are thousands of great moments that are impressive in their own ways.

  • Hogyan határozná meg a sikert? Mi a mércéje?

    Success to me is finding a perfect balance by doing what you love, making a good living out of it, but also having time to live. Because even though I just love shooting weddings, I wouldn't want to shoot 60 weddings a year and have no personal time left.

  • A szeretetet vagy az elismerést igényli jobban?

    Liked by my clients, respected by my colleagues.

  • Mi volt a legnagyobb hiba, amelyet munkája során elkövetett?

    Not that many, luckily! I once accidentally switched from RAW to TIFF during a wedding. That was a pain in the ass. It cost me a lot more work to process the images, but the clients were happy.

  • Hova készül utazni, mit visz magával és miért?

    A small but versatile camera kit. Definitely some analog cameras. And off course, the traveling essentials.

  • Van a tulajdonában lévő kacatok közt olyasmi, aminek a megvásárlását megbánta? Miért?


  • Hogyan fejleszti magát, hogy egyre jobb képek kerüljenek ki a kezei alól?

    I do mentoring with photographers who are amazing in the aspects of photography that are my weakest points.

  • Kinek a munkája volt a legnagyobb hatással az fotós pályafutására?

    I've never been inspired by certain photographers. I like to look at individual photographs, and analyse what I like about them.

  • Mi az, amit szeretné, ha tudott volna fotós pályafutása kezdetén?

    I never thought that photography can be this exhausting! But in a good way.

  • Mit kíván fényképeivel közölni?

    When looking at my photographs, I want people to feel what they felt when the moment was actually happening.

  • Mi motiválja, hogy tovább fotózzon?

    Getting great feedback from customers, and seeing myself grow and becoming a better photographer.

  • Hogy érzi, szülei szigorúbbak vagy kevésbé szigorúak lehettek volna inkább?

    They have been perfect.

  • Ha visszatérhetne az időben, mit tenne másképp?

    I would push myself more and especially sooner. It took about 5 years before I started taking myself and my photography really serious. But since I started doing that, I have improved so very much. I wish I'd done that sooner.

  • Mi a véleménye a más bolygókon való életről?

    Nah. There's tons of places for me to explore on this one.

  • Kiket tart a hőseinek?

    Everybody who believes in something, in themselves, and work hard to achieve that.

  • Ki az, akit nem tud elismerni?

    People who are arrogant, and bring other people down.

  • Mivel foglalkozik szabad idejében?

    Cooking, eating, movies, riding my oldtimer bike, and some an occasional cigar.

  • Mely oldaláról nem ismeri a nyilvánosság?

    I think a lot of people see me as 'the funny guy'. However, I do have a very serious side. I'm a very contemplative person, and I can be fascinated by almost anything.

  • Mikor teljességgel elégedett munkájával?

    When one of my own photographs really moves me. When I think: Wow, did I capture that? When it makes me feel proud that I've created these images.

  • Hisz a férfiak és nők hagyományos szerepében?

    Absolutely not.

  • Könnyen barátkozik?

    Quite easily. Although sometimes, at first I stay in the background a bit more. I like to evaluate people before I connect to them.

  • Hol szeretne élni?

    Tough question. I've always enjoyed living in the Netherlands, but lately, this feeling of joy has diminished quite a bit. Not because of the horrible weather, but mainly because of the political climate, the discontent of society, the tension. There's a lot going on, a lot of frustrations among a lot of people, causing the general atmosphere to be a lot less relaxed, in my opinion.

  • Mi volt a legnagyobb szamárság, amelyre hagyta magát rábeszélni?

    In photography...or... ;-)

  • Van élet a házasság után?

    Certainly. When it's a good marriage, it enriches your life a lot. A bad marriage can bring you down by an equal amount though.

  • Van kedvenc vicce? Mondja el.

    I can't. It's too gross.

  • A kutyákat, vagy a macskákat kedveli inkább?

    I own both. Although I've always considered myself as more of a dog person, I can thoroughly enjoy the relaxed but also stubborn attitude of cats. They have a mind of their own, which I can relate to.

  • Kit, vagy mit gyűlöl?

    I hate it when people aren't real. Off course, everybody has skeletons in their closet. But too many people pretend to be something their not. Relating to that: I also really dislike how much we're being lied to. In advertising, in politics, in a lot of things. There's very little sincerity and authenticity left.

  • A legjobb dolog az életben:

    Love, good company, good food, sex and friendship.

  • A legbosszantóbb dolog az életben:

    Having to type VERY long interviews. Sorry, had to do it ;-)

  • Van a környezetében valami, amin változtatni szeretne?

    Yes, quite a few things. But that doesn't mean that I'm not happy!

  • Mit szeretne megváltoztatni önmagában?

    I'd like to be more patient, and to be able to focus better.

  • Mit szeretne megváltoztatni a világon?

    Total cliché, but peace. There's too much anger, aggression and frustration. Terrorism, war, mass shootings. Things that are making the world ill. I wish that the world would chill a bit more.

  • Tudna néhány tanácsot adni a kezdő fotósoknak?

    Be confident, but don't want too much too fast. Take your time to educate and train yourself. Being a good photographer is hard. You don't become one in a year, but that's a trend I'm seeing. People doing a couple of workshops and styled shoots, and calling themselves a professional wedding photographer after that. Workshops and photoshoots are absolutely nothing like shooting a real wedding. So take the time to develop the skills that are needed for doing that.

  • Ha idegenek szállnának le a földön, és Ön lenne az első, akivel találkoznának, mit mondana nekik?

    I'd love to tell them about planet Earth. And I'd love to hear where they're coming from, and also how they got here.

  • Ha filmforgatásra kérnék fel, milyen műfajt választana?

    Probably something artsy, even though I hate that term. I love movies like The Grand Budapest Hotel.

  • Holnap fogok...

    shoot a wedding!