2 napja járt itt

Jonas Koel fotós


2 napja járt itt

Koppenhága, Dánia 

8 évvel a MyWeden
Beszélem a következő nyelveket: angol, svéd, norvég
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/wmvpr4IKvFOERdTLar6NQq0lrWUoYRCwUONCfxmBRo5jX-5WjfTgW9hAXgkPjgYDwWyc5uzqKqPeloxLzs6wabrqchHTvS-flmu_4FE Koppenhága, Dánia Jonas Koel +45 27 85 52 34


  • Mindenekelőtt - ki a legjobb fotós Koppenhága, Dánia városában? : )

    To name one person as the best photographer would be wrong for many reasons. Photography is subjective, like any other art. However, there are many talented photographers and if I would recommend someone, I would choose a photographer who not only deals with a wedding Photography. The ability to create comes from experience and then you also need to work with other than just weddings.I find inspiration in many different photographers, but also artists in other areas.

  • Ön fotogén?

    All are, in its own individual way. But I prefer taking shots of others ;)

  • Hogyan csöppent a fényképezés világába?

    Wedding photography is amazing fun and offers something unique which makes is great. A great environment, an important occasion in life, people, joy, laughter, crying and life in itself encapsulated in a moment.

  • Véleménye szerint mik egy jó fotó legfontosabb elemei?

    1. The story. What is the picture to tell you? All pictures have a story, small as big. As for the technique behind photography, I usually have some rules that I continuously base my pictures on. First, however, you have to answer for yourself what you are going to tell the picture. What is the goal. Otherwise, the rest will be wrong.1. Picture the photo into segment / layer. (every time)a) foreground
    b) The object
    d) Background2. Light (What for light and feeling to reach the goal?)3. Always work out that you will NOT need to edit the image4. Always get a little brighter than you want the final result to be. It is always easier to lower the light than vice versa. The details are found in bright parties, not in the dark.

  • Szeret utazni?

    Yes. Love it!

  • Mi szeret szakmájában a legjobban?

    Creativity, freedom, creation, art, people, and all day are different.

  • Mi szeret szakmájában a legkevésbé?

    Nothing really,

  • Milyen lesz a fotózás jövője?

    Many think it's going to be about more technology. And to some extent, it will certainly be so. We are using digital platforms more, but I also think many will go back and seek the authenticity, authenticity and preservation of the natural as it lasts.1. More movies2. More technical details such as animation3. Artificial animationBut, also more authenticity such as black / white, analogue and long-lasting images. Art is not based on technique, but can be used to support creation of art.

  • Mi a különleges abban a fotózási műfajban, amelyik az Ön szakterülete?

    That happens just now and then. You have to catch up and catch the moment.

  • Hogyan bírja a kritikát?

    I do not see it as criticism. It is my job to find out the customer's needs and wishes. I must have the knowledge to be able to deliver and adapt their expectations to what is possible. So it's rarely or never I've got criticism, because I'm good at reading customer needs.If they are not satisfied, I will change until they are satisfied. No more difficult than that.

  • Észlelhetők tendenciák a fotózásban?

    Yes, to many. Many inexperienced wedding photographers are sadly following trends sometimes a bit too much. It may apply to different types of filters or styles. It's rarely good, as filters and trends sometimes can make you miss the customer's needs and create your own needs instead.The needs and wishes are individual and the photographer's job is to create the image according to the customer's needs, not according to his own needs.Trends are good, but be careful and use them as knowledge when creating your pictures. Do not limit yourself by taking shortcuts. I never use finished or created filters. My filter is the elements.

  • Mi alapján kellene kiválasztaniuk az ügyfeleknek a fotóst?

    They should consider what they want for kinds of pictures. Look at pictures and feel after. Save down images that they can send to the photographer and discuss around. The important thing is to have a dialogue with the photographer and decide what to do.Choose a photographer who not only deals with wedding photography. It's like any craftsmanship. A baker who only bakes a kind of cake is having trouble baking something else.1. What images do they want. Look at pictures2. Select an all-round photographer3. What is the budget4. Discuss and meet the photographer if possible

  • Mi az, ami a fényképezés során teljességgel megengedhetetlen?

    Normally, you need integrity as a photographer and know how to approach other people in a private situation. Otherwise, there are no limitations in addition to what you have agreed with the once being involved. Art may gladly go beyond the boundaries, but it must happen in interaction with each other.

  • Milyen általában észrevétlen részletek ragadhatják meg egy fotós figyelmét?

    A good photographer can capture the depth, moment and feelings. Many wedding pictures are amazing, but those that are most interesting in the long run are those where you caught the moment. A picture that has a depth, where you have the wedding couple in the picture, but where you also caught the feeling in the picture around the wedding couple. Laughter, crying .. What you first did not see.

  • Mitől válik értékessé egy fotó? Mik az elemei?

    The history
    The people
    The story
    The moment
    The feelingA photo is always immortal and remains there, even when the moment is not.

  • Mit kíván megörökíteni?

    Donald Trump, Putin, Jim Morrison, Elvis Presley, Susan Sarandon, Koffi Annan, Kim Jung Un, etc. People that has a story to tell.

  • Van valamilyen szakmai tabuja?

    I do not take photographs that is considered unethical, immoral or can hurt anyone directly or indirectly. It's about extremes. But I base my work on common sense and humanism.I would never as example photograph a minor in an inappropriate manner, or photograph something that could be used improperly or for a politically negative purpose. Everybody can make a difference.

  • Kivel szeretne lefényképezkedni?

    Lots of people. But it would be very interesting to work together with people that not necessarily are photographer, but add elements through their work or personality. It could be artists, strong personalities or others. Would be amazing to work with Einstein or equivalent of today.

  • Mi aggasztja és miért?

    I worry as many people do for the future. The world would have been better if ruled by the people, and not by corrupt politicians. People are basically good, but too many are not. Without today's corruption we would have had a world where we all lived in freedom.

  • Mi élete legnagyszerűbb mozzanata?

    My kids! Josefin and Jakob.

  • Ha rajzfilmfigura, irodalmi alak vagy moziszereplő lehetne, kit választana és miért?

    I don't know if there is any of those that really impresses me. I am more impressed by every day people. The real heroes that do what they have to do, struggling and go to work everyday, those being role models for their surroundings and children and don't demand much back. That's the real heroes.

  • Ki van életére ihlető hatással és miért?

    My Great Grandmother, Karin. She started the first female civil defense organization in Estonia. She, her husband, her parents, all her siblings and nephews were put in Gulag in 1940. Everyone died before the war ended, except her.She fled and walked in the woods from Kirov to Tallinn, but was returned to Gulag again. She walked 267 miles in three months all alone, with out food or anything. 1982, after 42 years, she was released. She died the following year.My grandfather and my father were the only ones who managed to avoid being arrested. They flew to Sweden by boat.

  • Hogyan határozná meg a sikert? Mi a mércéje?

    Success is when you feel good. Success is the small things in life, unlike what you think when you are younger. I have worked as CEO of several global IT and finance companies and I have traveled all over the world. But it means nothing.Real success is the small things. The joy of having a cup of tea and conversation with someone you like. The meeting with people, waking up with someone you love.

  • A szeretetet vagy az elismerést igényli jobban?

    Both, by based on the right reasons.

  • Mi volt a legnagyobb hiba, amelyet munkája során elkövetett?

    haha.. Erased all picture files by mistake after 8 hours working in a studio...

  • Hova készül utazni, mit visz magával és miért?

    My cameras and lenses and a good book. The rest I usually hire on site.

  • Hogyan fejleszti magát, hogy egyre jobb képek kerüljenek ki a kezei alól?

    Reading, watching and inspires by various things in life. It is not so much focus on the technique as in every day life. The inspirations comes from what I see.

  • Kinek a munkája volt a legnagyobb hatással az fotós pályafutására?

    Many. Not any wedding photographer. A great portion of various photographers and artists as well as other inspiration.