Viimati nähtud kaua aega tagasi

Fotograaf David Hofman


Viimati nähtud kaua aega tagasi

Brasília, Brasiilia 

8 aastat MyWedis
Keeled, mida ma räägin: portugali, inglise, hispaania Brasília, Brasiilia David Hofman +55 61999498390


  • Ennekõike - keda sa nimetaksid parimaks fotograafiks oma linnas? :)

    Anderson Marques, for me a great reference as an artist, photographer and as a person.

  • Kas sa oled fotogeenne?

    No Unfortunately. But who knows with a few months of gym can improve rsrsrsrsrrs

  • Kuidas sa sattusid fotograafiamaailma?

    It was very natural, everything was happening slowly. Today I am passionate about photographing couples, participating in the stories and the great moments with the relatives.

  • Mis on sinu arvates hea foto kõige olulisead komponendid?

    Composition, light and direction. Add to that the impact, attention at decisive moments and an intelligent post-production.

  • Kas sulle meeldib reisida?

    Very very much. Especially meet new places, cultures and people.

  • Mis sulle sinu töö juures kõige rohkem meeldib?

    Travel, meet new stories, participate in incredible moments that only the profession allows me today. And finally, know the responsibility and importance that my work can have to perpetuate and influence others!

  • Mis sulle sinu töö juures kõige vähem meeldib?

    Being devalued by people who can not see the beauty and seriousness of what we do and why we photograph ..

  • Millisena näed sa fotograafia tulevikku?

    Equally important but with better equipment and tools.

  • Mis on sinu fotograafiažanris erilist?

    The stories, people and their unique moments.

  • Kuidas sa suhtud kriitikasse?

    I always try to learn as much as possible and try to look as if I'm on the other side. In photography, criticism should be part of the life of the professional as a daily exercise. We should always be bothered with something and always on the move looking for ever better things.

  • Kas fotograafias on teatud trende?

    Yes but it is temporary. There was a time when sepia tones, specific diagramming dominated the market, and this is constantly changing.

  • Millised peaksid fotograafi valides olema kliendi kriteeriumid?

    Affinity and identification with the photographer's professional and personality.

  • Mida pildistades kindlasti ei tohiks teha?

    Working lazily, carelessly, miss good times.

  • Mis võiksid olla need detailid, millele tavaliselt tähelepanu ei pöörata, kuid mida fotograaf võib märgata?

    Details and emotions.

  • Mis teeb fotost väärtusliku? Mis elemendid on olulised?

    Look, readiness, agility, intelligence, preparation and personality.

  • Milline inimene on sinu arvates 21. sajandi sümbol?

    Airton Senna, Usain Bolt

  • Keda sa sooviksid pildistada?

    Beautiful stories and diverse people. Each story has its value

  • Kas sul on teatud ametialaseid tabusid?

    No, I do not remember.

  • Kellega koos sa tahaksid pildistada?

    Anderson Marques, Gustavo Guimarães, Agustin Regidor, Miguel Bolaños, Jorge Mercado, Daniel Ribeiro, Pedro Cabrera, Vanessa Joy, Victor Lax, Vinny , Daniel Ribeiro, Gustavo Liceaga, Barbara Torres, Christian Macias, John Palacios, José Maria, Labella, Suzana Barbera, David Backstead, Helena Jancovikova, Ken Pak, Daniel Henrique, Paulo Keijocks, Gustavo Morali, Krzystof, Maciek Janusensky, Vinci Wang, Xiang Qi, Jerry Ghionnys e muito muito outros...

  • Mille pärast sa muretsed ja miks?

    With commitments not to frustrate or harm anyone.

  • Mis on olnud su elu kõige kõige muljetavaldavam hetk?

    My wedding.

  • Kui sa oleksid tegelane multikast, raamatust või filmist, siis kes sa oleksid ja miks?

    Superman, a hero who saves people.

  • Kes sind su elus inspireerib ja miks?

    My wife, by the determination that decides to live every day.

  • Kuidas sa defineeriksid edu? Kuidas sa seda mõõdad?

    Conquer your goals. It's very personal.

  • Kas sa tahaksid, et sa pigem meeldiksid inimestele või et nad austaksid sind?

    Both are good, but those who love respect.

  • Mis on suurim viga, mida sa töötades oled teinud?

    Do not study well enough in advance.

  • Mida sa endaga reisides kaasa võtad ja miks?

    Camera to record everything because I believe that memories can be revived by reminiscing to look at each photo.

  • Kas sul on mõni vidin, mida sa omad, aga sooviksid, et poleks ostnud? Miks?

    No, it's all useful to get just the ones you needed to use anyway.

  • Kuidas sa ennast koolitad, et paremaks fotograafiks saada?

    Looking at Mywed daily and studying and trying to surprise.

  • Kelle töö on sind kui fotograafi kõige rohkem mõjutanud?

    History, musics and other arts.

  • Mis oleks see üks asi, mida sa sooviksid, et oleks teadnud enne fotograafiaga alustamist?

    That the most important thing is not the equipment but our experiences.

  • Mida sa oma fotodega öelda soovid?

    Unique feelings and stories.

  • Mis motiveerib sind fotograafina jätkama?

    People and my inner passion for the arts and what I do.

  • Kas sa arvad, et sinu vanemad oleksid pidanud sinuga olema rangemad või leebemad?

    They were ideal, in the right measure.

  • Kui sa saaksid ajas tagasi minna, mida sa teeksid erinevalt?

    I would only buy what I really need to do what I love to do.

  • Kas sa arvad, et teistel planeetidel on elu?

    Possible as we advance in technological knowledge we come across things previously impossible for human eyes at a given time.

  • Kes on su kangelased?

    My family and friends throughout my life have been decisive for me.

  • Keda sa ei austa?

    Respect everyone and everyone should be respected.

  • Mida sa vabal ajal teed?

    I have fun studying and I try to find this famous free time srsrrsrsrs.

  • Millist poolt sinust avalikkus kunagi ei näe?

    What do not pay attention or do not stop and invest a little more confidence to understand.

  • Millal sa oled oma tööga täiesti rahul?

    When I exceed my limits or when I realize true gratitude.

  • Kas sa usud meeste ja naiste traditsioonilistesse rollidesse?

    I believe, exactly.

  • Kas sa leiad kergesti sõpru?

    I like meeting new people, it's a good thing.

  • Kus sa tahaksid elada?

    In the snow or a period with colder weather ...

  • Mis on kõige rumalam asi, mida sa kunagi oled nõustunud tegema?

    Play on the biggest latin water slide kkkkkkkkk.

  • Kas pärast abielu on elu?

    Yes, it is always possible to start over.

  • Kas sul on lemmiknali? Räägi see meile.

    I do not have it, I'm not good at it rsrsrsrsr!

  • Kas sulle meeldivad koerad või kassid?

    Yes, very nice to have some pet.

  • Keda või mida sa vihkad?

    Injustice, inequality, hunger, diseases, etc.

  • Parim asi elus on:

    Make other people happy and be respected and loved.

  • Kõige ärritavam asi elus on:

    Lose the wallet and do not keep appointments.

  • Kas sa näed oma ümber midagi sellist, mida sa tahaksid muuta?

    The sad things of the world and the people of bad character.

  • Mida sa iseenda juures tahaksid muuta?

    Which can do harm to someone.

  • Mida sa maailmas tahaksid muuta?

    Inequalities, wars, intolerance, etc.

  • Kas sa võiksid anda mõned näpunäited alustavatele fotograafidele?

    First you must love and be sure that you are willing to do the best you can for other people. Study hard, read the manual, get into groups of photography, live and talk all the time about photography and also shoot without camera, training the look in any situation to be on time in the right place and be decisive!

  • Kui Maale saabuksid tulnukad ja sina oleksid esimene inimene, keda nad kohtaksid, mida sa neile ütleksid?


  • Kui sul oleks võimalik vändata film, siis mis žanrist see oleks?

    World scientific drama.

  • Homme hakkan ma...

    A new photo that can make someone happy or change someone for the better.